Anne's Reviews > Dark Carnival

Dark Carnival by Ray Bradbury
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This collection of early "weird" short stories was interesting - not all are great but there are a few standouts. All in one book, the quality is uneven but it would have been so cool to come across one of these dark stories in Mademoiselle magazine in, say, 1945.

The Smiling People: Creepy story with the ending you were dreading.

The Emissary - okay this story scared me - I did do a running jump on to my bed in the dark after reading in order to avoid whatever was underneath. Yes I am 40 years old. What! The story ends with scary, slow footsteps coming up the stairs!

The Coffin - fun as hell to read!

Jack-In-The-Box: A child raised isolated in a victorian mansion by his insane mom - good stuff!

The Man Upstairs: Who or what is the creepy sleeper in the bedroom upstairs? Ugh - not really sure as it turns out. Which is worse than finding out!
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June 26, 2012 – Shelved

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