EmBibliophile's Reviews > And Then There Were None

And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie
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it was amazing
bookshelves: 5-stars
Read 2 times. Last read November 28, 2022.

Re-read #2 (11/28/2022) 5 stars.


5 stars

I truly believe this was the blueprint for every whodunit story!

Ten people have been invited to an isolated island. One by one the guests are killed. After searching the island to find no one but them, they start to realise that the murderer is actually one of them.

This is just as intense as it sounds. “Then there were none” is a masterpiece. It’s the perfect murder mystery whodunit story that I hoped it would be. It put me one the edge of my seat, kept me interested, and I drove myself crazy trying to guess what’s going on. I have to admit, it was brilliant and I’m thankful that we got an epilogue explaining everything because I was so freakin scared that it would end like that. With just the last chapter that didn’t give me a satisfying answer like what? how? why?

Agatha Christie’s writing is so brilliant. I enjoyed most of her books and I always love that every time I read one of her books, it’s always hard to guess the murderer right. This is definitely one of her best books.
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Reading Progress

Started Reading
September 22, 2020 – Shelved
September 22, 2020 – Shelved as: 5-stars
September 22, 2020 – Finished Reading
Started Reading
November 28, 2022 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-17 of 17 (17 new)

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message 1: by Kim (new) - rated it 4 stars

Kim Great review! Have you watched the BBC mini series? If not I highly recommend it.

preoccupiedbybooks Yay! This was so good! And yess about the epilogue, it was the best!

EmBibliophile Kim- Not yet. I’ve been waiting till I read the book first, but I’ll be watching it soon for sure! Thank you tho, Kim! xx

EmBibliophile Fran- I was so scared that she would leave it like that without explaining everything, but thankfully, the epilogue was everything I wanted!! The book was really brilliant! xx

Jill Hutchinson Probably the best of Christie's non-series books.

EmBibliophile Jill- I agree!! It was so brilliant and so good indeed! xx

EmBibliophile Tom- Glad to know that! It was such a brilliant book!

Kat valentine ( Katsbookcornerreads) Excellent review Em!!👊💕💋😉💯

EmBibliophile Thank you so much, Kat!! xx

Gamar ❤ Just downloaded this book . the multiple characters being introduced is making for a bit of a struggle but this review among others is super encouraging ! cant wait to fail at guessing who it is :)

EmBibliophile It might be a little bit confusing In the beginning, but you get to enjoy it and realize that it adds to the story. Hope you end up loving it as well! xx

message 12: by Lau ♡ (new)

Lau ♡ Great review, Em!! I've only read one book by this author but I really should fix it now, this sounds really amazing.

EmBibliophile I’ve spent my childhood reading her books. I really enjoy them. This could be difficult to get into in the beginning, but it is one of her best books. I hope you end up enjoying it as well! xx

Leticia (jerseygirlsbookshelf) I read so many of these as a kid/teenager. This was one of my favorites!

EmBibliophile Me too!! I’m glad to know you loved it as well! xx

Gamar ❤ EmBibliophile wrote: "It might be a little bit confusing In the beginning, but you get to enjoy it and realize that it adds to the story. Hope you end up loving it as well! xx"

i finished it and i did enjoy it thnx !

EmBibliophile Glad to know that!! It was a really good book indeed! xx

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