Dem's Reviews > The Devil and the Dark Water

The Devil and the Dark Water by Stuart Turton
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3.5 Stars
An enjoyable and atmospheric historical fiction mystery, which the author himself describes as more fiction than historical. It’s certainly different and while I enjoyed it I found it quite a long slow burner and struggled to keep track of all the characters hence my 3.5 star rating.

This is my first novel by Stuart Turton and he certainly crafts and unique and suspenseful tale.

Set in 1634 Samuel Pippa the worlds greatest detective, is being transported from the Dutch East Indies to Amsterdam, where he is facing trial and execution fro a crime he may or may not have committed. Traveling with him is his loyal bodyguard. Aren’t Hayes, who is determined to proves his friend innocent. Also on board are Sara Wessel a noblewoman with a secret and her husband the Governor General of Batavia.

Thankfully the author included a brilliant detailed drawing of the ship and all the cabins, compartments and decks and also a Manifest of notable passengers and crew sailing aboard the Saddam. This was so helpful for the reading of a book like this and without it I personally would have been lost with so many characters to keep track of. I found myself and several occasions having to revert back to the manifest until I got used to all the characters.

I enjoyed the story and the atmosphere created and it was perfect reading for this time of year. I did find the book dragged a bit for me and I really think this story could have benefited with being shortened as it was very long and drawn out. I especially loved the Author’s note at the end although I do think he should have placed it at the beginning.
An apology to history and boats “ This is historical fiction where the history is the fiction”

While I enjoyed the read it’s not one for my favorites shelf although I will be adding my hard copy to my real life bookshelf.
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September 8, 2020 – Shelved
October 22, 2020 – Started Reading
October 29, 2020 – Finished Reading

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message 1: by Sam (new) - rated it 4 stars

Sam Oh I hope you have fun with this one, Dem!

message 2: by Gianna (new) - added it

Gianna Lorandi Looking forward to seeing your review of this one!

message 3: by Dem (new) - rated it 3 stars

Dem Sam wrote: "Oh I hope you have fun with this one, Dem!"

Thanks Sam, I enjoyed the read although I struggled to keep track of the characters 🤗

message 4: by Dem (new) - rated it 3 stars

Dem Gianna wrote: "Looking forward to seeing your review of this one!"

Thank you Gianna 🎃

Elise Just finished this and I agree with your review

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