Susannah Black's Reviews > Lulu's Cafe

Lulu's Cafe by T.I. Lowe
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did not like it

This is everything a good book shouldn’t be: unrealistic, misogynistic, racist, bland, unoriginal (it’s basically a worse Safe Haven) poorly written, lazy, predictable all the way though. The deeply intense themes of rape and domestic violence are irresponsibly written about and lacking in authority or empathy, and any attempt to do true justice to the psychological hurt of these realities that too many face falls very flat. The thinly veiled insinuations that a woman’s worth is tied to her ability to procreate is old-fashioned at best, grossly sexist at most accurate. The author’s reckless use of bible verses and mentions of God strewn throughout the book and completely out of context are used simply for the author’s own purposes, and help create no greater understanding (and probably actually do harm to those who have little knowledge) of the character of God. Also, as a medical professional, it was clear very little research went into the writing of the character’s experience at a hospital, as well as with various injuries named throughout. A huge disappointment.
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August 14, 2020 – Started Reading
August 14, 2020 – Shelved
August 14, 2020 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-5 of 5 (5 new)

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message 1: by Joan (new) - rated it 1 star

Joan Brilliant review. I am horrified by the 5 star reviews for this book!

Melissa Winchester I couldn’t agree more. The only thing I would add is that I was absolutely horrified by the suggestion the only people who celebrate Christmas should be allowed to be foster parents

Alexis How do you get racist ?

Margie There were so many things wrong with this book that I don’t know where to begin. The constant focus on food and binge eating drove me nuts. Leah obviously had an eating disorder and was binge eating to deal with trauma, but it went on and on. Even Crow ate seven donuts. Crazy.

Sheena Frederick I thought the same… like if they saved her life - they would have given her a c section - she couldn’t have “rolled onto her side to avoid the doctor” after having a c section and a broken wrist / arm , I can’t remember which one lol

And if she was in the hospital for “weeks” her bruises would have healed but supposedly looked the same as she left the hospital.

Also, they would have found the husband dead eventually and they would have come after her - she would have been in trouble for leaving the scene - and she could have been on trial. I just gave up half way. It was poorly written and missing so much information.

It was a lazy write.

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