Seon Ji (Dawn)'s Reviews > The Ascent of Mount Carmel

The Ascent of Mount Carmel by John of the Cross
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it was amazing
bookshelves: will-read-again, spiritual, religion-or-theology, poetry, philosophy, inspirational, christian

Having explored various religious (for lack of a better word) depictions regarding the souls journey to becoming united with God (or source/Universe/ true self/Christ/Buddha..etc), I have avoided Christianity up until just recently.

I suppose this is due to the stigma that Christianity had for me personally. But, I was, let's say, felt drawn to learning more. Felt drawn to this book in particular.

So. With that said, let me get to this book.

Incredibly well researched, as it seems to have been painstakingly written with immense care to it's original writings, as best possible (considering it was written in Ancient Spanish in the 1500's during the Spanish inquisition).

This book contains not only the Ascent but also the Dark Night and Living Flame. All which are intertwined.

Long story short, I found it emotionally painful (personally) because it made me realize how horrible I am(lol). But! If you read this and convert "Satan/Devil or evil spirits" into Ego or false self, and change God to "true self" it helps.

I cannot explain much else. Reading this is like going on your own soul's journey. In essence it is St. John's personal account of his journey in becoming united with God or obtaining enlightenment. He wrote this as a means to show the way, so to speak, and to give sign posts and markers to those who may already be journeying.

He advises of pitfalls, and traps, and encourages the devoted to practice (as much as is humanly possible) certain habits which may assist in their goal.

I am glad I stuck it out, although I'd be lying if I said I did not skim at certain parts.

I cannot give it less than 5 stars considering the amount of work and effort put into this and the fact that his writings were subject to inquisition, led him to imprisonment, and were vehemently defended by his peers. In the end, his writings were sanctioned by the church (forgive me if this is not the correct wording).

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Reading Progress

August 1, 2020 – Started Reading
August 1, 2020 – Shelved
August 1, 2020 – Shelved as: will-read-again
August 1, 2020 – Shelved as: spiritual
August 1, 2020 – Shelved as: religion-or-theology
August 1, 2020 – Shelved as: poetry
August 1, 2020 – Shelved as: philosophy
August 1, 2020 – Shelved as: inspirational
August 1, 2020 – Shelved as: christian
August 1, 2020 –
August 6, 2020 –
50.0% "This is more difficult to get through that The Divine Comedy. I'm sticking with it."
August 12, 2020 – Finished Reading

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message 1: by Diamond (new)

Diamond Cowboy Great review Dawn! Be Blessed.

Seon Ji (Dawn) Chaplain wrote: "Great review Dawn! Be Blessed."

Thank you. Blessings to you s well.

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