Irene's Reviews > Pelosi

Pelosi by Molly  Ball
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Read 2 times. Last read July 22, 2020.

This is a political biography of Nancy Pelosi. Although there is far more talk of her high heels or the classy, understated clothes she wore than would be found in any political review of a man, a reality that I suspect Pelosi would resent, there is very little of Pelosi’s personal life in this book. This is a flattering portrait of a powerful political figure of the Democratic Party. Despite going into this book with a positive opinion of Pelosi, this felt unbalanced. Apparently Pelosi has and never had any faults. While every moment of Pelosi’s political career is recounted in glowing language, her opponents’ actions, words and motivations are described with negatively loaded language. There was nothing here that I could not have gleaned from news coverage over the past several decades. I would have appreciated either more in-depth political analysis or more behind the curtain revelations of her more private life. I received this from the publisher in exchange for my honest review.
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message 1: by Elizabeth☮ (new)

Elizabeth☮ Isn’t that always the case? There is always on a woman’s appearance.

Irene I was surprised how often this author mentioned her heals or her clothes after making it clear that Pelosi resented journalists who treated her differently as a female politician. There was that great interview scene early on when she was still in CA politics where she warned the journalist never to ask her a specifically feminine question ever again. Having pointed this out, why did this biographer resort to the traditional remarks on her appearance?

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