Allison Hurd's Reviews > Discount Armageddon

Discount Armageddon by Seanan McGuire
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really liked it
bookshelves: fantasy, fem-author, urban-fantasy

A really fun urban fantasy. It's showing its age a bit, both in terms of the changes I've seen in Seanan's writing over the years and the extreme attempts at being sexy to presumably het dudes, but still clever and fun.

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Perhaps it's because I crammed this into my brain in very short order, but I'm having a hard time thinking of concrete pros and cons. This is fluff. Monsters, T&A, enemies-to-lovers, the whole bit. Nothing stands out as a decidedly *bad* element--it is what it is and it does it well.

No, okay, I do have one!!

I loved the different kinds of monsters and that they're not necessarily bad just because they're not human.

I did not love the focus on dancing. That seemed really out of place for this story.

So, there you go. If you want a perfectly solid example of what UF was a decade ago, pick this up!
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Reading Progress

July 5, 2020 – Started Reading
July 5, 2020 – Shelved
July 6, 2020 –
22.0% "Gotta read 3 books in 4 days. Go go gadget triple speed."
July 6, 2020 –
90.0% "A nice popcorn uf! Mad i didn't quite get through, another 30 minutes of audio tomorrow"
July 7, 2020 –
99.0% "rtc"
July 7, 2020 – Finished Reading
July 8, 2020 – Shelved as: fantasy
July 8, 2020 – Shelved as: fem-author
July 8, 2020 – Shelved as: urban-fantasy

Comments Showing 1-2 of 2 (2 new)

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Beth A decade ago! How?? You're right, though. Pop fiction trends move fast.

Allison Hurd Well. 8 years. I'm rounding! But yes, this was very much a response to Dresden, in some ways, I think.

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