Peter's Reviews > When She Was Good

When She Was Good by Michael Robotham
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bookshelves: mystery, thriller, netgalley

When She Was Good is a gritty and nerve-racking thriller that reveals a backdrop of unthinkable child abuse, and a cast of characters that are absorbing and mysterious. Cyrus Haven and Evie alternately narrate the story as two characters that are brilliantly drawn and captivating. Both have disturbing pasts but are armed in this dark world with unique abilities that enable them to investigate crimes with clever insights.

Evie is fascinating, and her background and history are gradually revealed illustrating how she suffered as a child and struggles daily with those memories. Evie has an uncanny ability to tell if someone is lying – brilliant ability to have in solving crimes. In a world where she sees everyone with suspicion, she connects with Cyrus as her only source of reassurance and trust. Cyrus is a forensic psychologist and first met Evie in Good Girl, Bad Girl - a book I wished I had read before embarking on this one. Anyhoo, Cyrus has been called to the scene of a suspected suicide and quickly suspects murder. The victim, Superintendent Hamish Whitmore, had been investigating crimes connected to Evie’s past, and the more Cyrus digs, the greater the threat that emerges for Evie. Is it better to let sleeping dogs lie?

The riveting plot is full of danger and drama, and it totally enthralled me and kept me eagerly bound to the story until it was finished. More fool me, but I found answers to questions I did not know to ask. I should have done the sensible thing and stopped to read the first book, so the big tip here is to read, Good Girl, Bad Girl, first.

This is a series that is well worth reading so I can recommend that you should start this series before it gets away from you. I would like to thank Little Brown Book Group and NetGalley for providing me with a free ARC in return for an honest review.
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Reading Progress

June 24, 2020 – Shelved
June 24, 2020 – Shelved as: to-read
October 12, 2020 – Started Reading
October 12, 2020 – Shelved as: mystery
October 12, 2020 – Shelved as: thriller
October 16, 2020 – Finished Reading
November 16, 2020 – Shelved as: netgalley

Comments Showing 1-37 of 37 (37 new)

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message 1: by Michael (new)

Michael David (on hiatus) Excellent review, Peter! I haven't read this series yet, but I read two of his standalones and really enjoyed them!

Richard (on hiatus) Great review Peter ...... love this author and looking forward to starting this series :)

Peter Michael wrote: "Excellent review, Peter! I haven't read this series yet, but I read two of his standalones and really enjoyed them!"

Thanks, Michael, really appreciated. I'm looking forward to reading more of his books and thanks for the recommendations.

message 4: by Pat (new) - rated it 5 stars

Pat Fabulous review Pater, I’m glad you enjoyed this, I just loved it!

message 5: by Jayme (new)

Jayme Terrific review!

Peter Richard wrote: "Great review Peter ...... love this author and looking forward to starting this series :)"

I think you will really enjoy this series, Richard, he is another author for us to follow. Thanks for your kind comment.

Peter Pat wrote: "Fabulous review Pater, I’m glad you enjoyed this, I just loved it!"

Thank you my friend, I always appreciate your generous comments. He is a great author and we'll continue to follow him.

message 8: by Oscar (new)

Oscar Good review, Peter I might as well check the first one. Seeing a lot of buzz for these two.

Paromjit Love this series, Peter......wonderful review! :):)

Peter Jayme wrote: "Terrific review!"

Thank you very much Jayme, truly appreciated.

Peter ♡ oscar ♡ wrote: "Good review, Peter I might as well check the first one. Seeing a lot of buzz for these two."

Well worth a read Oscar they are great plots and characters. Thanks for your kind words.

Peter Paromjit wrote: "Love this series, Peter......wonderful review! :):)"

A pity I didn't read book one first but it seems a great series. Thanks for your kind words, Paromjit. :):)

Ceecee Hello buddy. Fantastic review as ever and I’m so glad you enjoyed it 😊

Peter Ceecee wrote: "Hello buddy. Fantastic review as ever and I’m so glad you enjoyed it 😊"

Hey you, so glad to hear from you and thanks for your kind words as always. I need to go back and read the first book and then really follow the series.

Beata I'm happy we both like this series, Peter :)) Grand review! Take care! :))

Peter Beata wrote: "I'm happy we both like this series, Peter :)) Grand review! Take care! :))"

A good one Beata and one that I look forward to following. Thanks and stay safe. :))

message 17: by Ann (new)

Ann Fab review, Peter. A series I've heard a lot about and good to point out that I need to start with book 1.

Peter Ann wrote: "Fab review, Peter. A series I've heard a lot about and good to point out that I need to start with book 1."

Thank you so much, Ann and that's an important point to start the series with the first book. Stay safe my friend.

message 19: by Maureen (new)

Maureen Love this author, great review Peter 👍🏻

Peter Maureen wrote: "Love this author, great review Peter 👍🏻"

Thank you very much, Maureen, a series I'm gonna follow.

message 21: by Mary Beth (new)

Mary Beth Fab review, Peter!

Peter Mary Beth wrote: "Fab review, Peter!"

Thank you very much, Mary Beth, really appreciated.

Jennifer ~ TarHeelReader It definitely sounds like I need to try this series. Fantastic review, Peter!

Peter Jennifer ~ TarHeelReader wrote: "It definitely sounds like I need to try this series. Fantastic review, Peter!"

Hi, Jennifer, I hope you're keeping well. Thanks for your kind words and yes it's a great series to get into.

message 25: by JanB (new)

JanB Thanks for the tip. The first book is on my list. My very long list 😉 Great review Peter!

Peter JanB wrote: "Thanks for the tip. The first book is on my list. My very long list 😉 Great review Peter!"

The list never gets shorter, only longer and longer. But we wouldn't have it any other way. Thanks Jan. Take care.

message 27: by Lizp (new) - added it

Lizp Great review, Peter.

Peter Lizp wrote: "Great review, Peter."

Thank you very much Lizp, always appreciated

message 29: by Yun (new)

Yun Awesome review, Peter! So glad to see this was riveting and you're continuing to enjoy the series! :)

Peter Yun wrote: "Awesome review, Peter! So glad to see this was riveting and you're continuing to enjoy the series! :)"

Thank you very much, Yun, definitely a series to follow.

message 31: by Holly (new)

Holly  B (slower pace!) Look forward to this one. Great review Peter!

Kat valentine ( Katsbookcornerreads) Fantabulous review Peter!!💋😉👊💯💕

Peter Holly wrote: "Look forward to this one. Great review Peter!"

I hope you enjoy it Holly and thank you so much for your kind words.

Peter Kat wrote: "Fantabulous review Peter!!💋😉👊💯💕"

Thanks so much, Kat. Love the emojis 🥰😊👊

message 35: by Karina (new)

Karina A good thriller you say? I’ll look out for this one but start at the first one...? I’m so bad at doing books in a series and then I’m like when TF did this happen?! Lol... and was she ever a good girl, Peter?

Margaret M - (having a challenging time and on GR as much as I can) Fabulous review Peter 💖

Sandysbookaday (currentlyonholidayuntilmid-Jan) Excellent review Peter. Glad you're also enjoying this series. ❤📚

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