Bhavya Marya's Reviews > How to Vex a Vampire

How to Vex a Vampire by Alice  Winters
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bookshelves: m-m, paranomal, romantic-suspense

It’s funny how this little human has so many high-level vampires ready to tear the world apart for him. And there I am, right at the front of his mini army.

The begining of this book was amazing. There was sarcasm, great banter and I was finding it hilarious tbh. But it got a little repetitive by the end. I found myself skimming paragraphs of dialogue when they would start snarking at each other. After some time I think the writing felt like it was trying too hard.

But there were also some good parts about this book that kept me interested in the book and will probably make me read the next book too.
I didn't see some of the things that happened in the book coming at all so you could say it wasn't predictable. The world building was fantastic and unique.

Finn was a really likeable main character. He had this annoying trait that made everyone like him. And as grumpy as he was portrayed in the begining, I knew Marcus was gonna be a total teddy bear when it came to Finn (I was right). They both fit the grump and sunshine trope perfectly.
Other than the MCs in the book, Karsyn is my favourite character. I just hope the author gives him an awesome love interest in the next book. *fingers crossed*

While I didn't totally love this book, I'm definitely gonna be continuing the series because I did get invested in this world and all the characters.
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Reading Progress

June 20, 2020 – Shelved
June 20, 2020 – Shelved as: m-m
June 20, 2020 – Shelved as: to-read
August 2, 2020 – Started Reading
August 14, 2020 – Finished Reading
August 22, 2020 – Shelved as: romantic-suspense
August 22, 2020 – Shelved as: paranomal

Comments Showing 1-14 of 14 (14 new)

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message 1: by [deleted user] (new)

You nailed it! Exactly what you said 👏👏👏.
You didn’t by any chance discover how tall Finn was?

Vanna (on-hiatus) Great honest review Bhavya.. I had the same thoughts regarding this book.. but heads up, it'll get scarier and better.. 👍. Also Karsyn's book is awesome..😍. Happy reading, whenever you get to it.

Bhavya Marya Lorraine wrote: "You nailed it! Exactly what you said 👏👏👏.
You didn’t by any chance discover how tall Finn was?"

Now that I think about it, I don't think it's actually specified anywhere ? If it is, then I missed it !! Also, I kinda want to know now.

Bhavya Marya Vanna wrote: "Great honest review Bhavya.. I had the same thoughts regarding this book.. but heads up, it'll get scarier and better.. 👍. Also Karsyn's book is awesome..😍. Happy reading, whenever you get to it."

Thanks, Vanna !!
I'm actually reading the next book right now and I'm getting excited about Karsyn's book !! I'm definitely gonna read it as soon as I finish the second one.

Mrinmayi I LOVED the second book in this series
It definitely gets better
They are cute together in the next book

Bhavya Marya Mrinmayi wrote: "I LOVED the second book in this series
It definitely gets better
They are cute together in the next book"

I'm reading it right now and I adore this couple. 😍

message 7: by W (new)

W Right on point! I haven't read it; yet, your review on essence is like mine for this author Hitman series, book 1 and more or less book 2 ; that's it until I DNF .

Thanks for your honest and awesome BM review. I will keep this book on the maybes.

Jilly Thanks for reminding me of this series. I read the first two, but never got the third one. I'm going to reread and do the whole series. I'm really looking forward to book three!

message 9: by [deleted user] (new)

Bhavya wrote: "Lorraine wrote: "You nailed it! Exactly what you said 👏👏👏.
You didn’t by any chance discover how tall Finn was?"

Now that I think about it, I don't think it's actually specified anywhere ? If it i..."

It’s becoming obsessional with me! If you find out? Please tell me 🤞

Bhavya Marya Jilly wrote: "Thanks for reminding me of this series. I read the first two, but never got the third one. I'm going to reread and do the whole series. I'm really looking forward to book three!"

I haven't even finished the second book and I'm already excited about reading Karsyn's book !!

Bhavya Marya Lorraine wrote: "Bhavya wrote: "Lorraine wrote: "You nailed it! Exactly what you said 👏👏👏.
You didn’t by any chance discover how tall Finn was?"

Now that I think about it, I don't think it's actually specified any..."

I will !! Definitely.

Bhavya Marya W. wrote: "Right on point! I haven't read it; yet, your review on essence is like mine for this author Hitman series, book 1 and more or less book 2 ; that's it until I DNF .

Thanks for your honest and awes..."

Thanks for liking my review ♥️♥️

message 13: by [deleted user] (new)

Bhavya wrote: "Lorraine wrote: "Bhavya wrote: "Lorraine wrote: "You nailed it! Exactly what you said 👏👏👏.
You didn’t by any chance discover how tall Finn was?"

Now that I think about it, I don't think it's actua..."

Knew I could count on you 👏👏

message 14: by Jack (new) - added it

Jack Do you want to become a vampire, are you tired of human being, having talented brain turning to a vampire in a good posture in ten minutes, without delaying in a good human posture and becoming a immortal. A world of vampire were life get easier, we have made so much persons vampires and have turned them rich, you will assured long life and prosperity, you shall be made to be very sensitive to mental alertness, stronger and also very fast, you will not be restricted to walk at night only even at the very middle of broad day light you will be made to walk, this is an opportunity to have the vampire virus to perform in a good posture. If you are interested contact us on our e-mail [email protected]

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