Grace A.'s Reviews > The Realms of the Gods

The Realms of the Gods by Tamora Pierce
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really liked it

The evil emperor mage from book three grew even more powerful. He allied with evil immortals, bent on revenge and his dream of world domination, he did a lot of damage. Daine and Numair were trapped in the immortal realm while battle rages on in their world. It was quite an adventure in itself travelling back to the mortal realm. On their way back, they met and won over formidable allies, who eventually helped them win the battle and rid the world of evil.
It's a while since I've been captivated by a series that's not focused on romance. This series took me back to my fundamental love of reading. I really had a great time with this one.
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message 1: by Lex (new)

Lex Kent Great review! Her books are a lot of fun:)

Lyn❤Loves❤Listening to Real Voices Only!!!!❤️1#AUDIOBOOKADDICT Great review, Grace! Glad you're enjoying this series! 😊

Grace A. Lex wrote: "Great review! Her books are a lot of fun:)"

Thanks Lex😊

Grace A. Lyn❤Loves❤Listening #AUDIOBOOKADDICT wrote: "Great review, Grace! Glad you're enjoying this series! 😊"

Thanks Lyn😊

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