Mark's Reviews > Lady in Waiting: My Extraordinary Life in the Shadow of the Crown

Lady in Waiting by Anne Glenconner
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it was amazing

How I loved every sentence of this book, with my glimpse into Royal life and the aristocracy (with my last job before retiring ) I had some idea the life the author had led,but soon realised there was so much more to learn
The memoirs start at her birth and end with her aged 87 and still discovering new things to do and see having experienced the most wonderful yet at times harrowing life, the book covers her 25 years as Lady In Waiting for Princess Margaret (up until her death) her personal life,including very moving accounts of 3 of her 5 children who experienced tragedy early in their lives, she speaks openly on subjects of Aids, Heroin, Brothels and even live sex shows she went to on her honeymoon and all this sits between tales of growing up with the Royal Family and being part of the ‘Court’ also included are fascinating accounts of her husband ( who bought Mustique ) and his shocking frequent histrionics and how she coped with immense privilige and yet vast sorrow, often in the same day
I kept thinking when reading ‘this is more bizarre than the fiction I read’ and honestly it was, it’s hard to believe this lady saw and did as much as she did
Superb, delightful and scurrilous as well as informative and at times upsetting this book had me mesmerised from cover to cover, interestingly it is far from a Princess Margaret memoir and every bit a memoir of herself and her life and a very open look into her most fascinating life

5 Stars
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June 9, 2020 – Started Reading
June 9, 2020 – Shelved
June 10, 2020 – Finished Reading

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message 1: by Pat (new)

Pat She sounds like a right character!

Mark She really is Pat, fantastic story

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