Vicky Again's Reviews > Juliet Takes a Breath

Juliet Takes a Breath by Gabby Rivera
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it was amazing

I've read a lot of great books this year but this? This might just be my very favorite. I love so so many things about Juliet Takes a Breath and I'm reeling at how underrated this story is.

It's such a great coming of age story about a 19 year old in 2003 becoming acquainted with radical feminist theory and coming to terms with the ways she's been silenced or lied to. Juliet goes through so much learning and growth, which is already awesome, but what makes it such a fun story is her voice.

Juliet is hilarious, maybe a bit confused and brash sometimes, but she's fierce and curious and isn't afraid to chase after what she wants--whether that's an internship with a white-feminist author, or a fling with a hot motorcycle-riding librarian. She's such a wonderful main character to read about and I absolutely adored following her and her journey.

I'd highly recommend Juliet Takes a Breath to so many people. If you read contemporary YA, you need to read this.

A quick update: The edition (finished US ebook) that I read did not have the anti-Indigenous quotes that were discussed in older reviews (the passage was updated from what other reviewers had read), however this does not negate the treatment and silencing of Indigenous reviewers when they criticized Juliet Takes a Breath, nor does it negate the fact that anti-Indigenous sentiments existed in this book at one point in time. Although I did not find anything objectionable in the edition I read, I don't think this excuses the harm done to Indigenous people who gave honest critique and were silenced and never compensated for something that was changed in the final text. Please keep this in mind if you read.
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Reading Progress

June 7, 2020 – Started Reading
June 7, 2020 – Shelved
June 7, 2020 –
page 95
29.69% "I'm really enjoying this so far! Probs my favorite read of the month."
June 7, 2020 –
page 180
56.25% "I have SO MUCH love for this book."
June 7, 2020 – Finished Reading

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Vicky Again Nat ⭐️ wrote: "ahhhh this one has been on my radar for ages but I guess it HAS to be a Pride read now 👀"

IT'S SO GOOD NAT. SO SO GOOD. I love it so much this is my favorite contemporary read of the year I am SOFT

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