Rowan's Reviews > Tuesdays with Morrie

Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom
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's review

it was amazing

I already know this will be a book I revisit. I picked it up at a local charity book fair. It’s nice to think that buying this book (which had a profoundly positive impact on me), had a positive impact on others too. I think Morrie would probably like that.

For those unfamiliar with this classic, it involves author, Mitch Albom, reuniting with his former college professor, Morrie Schwartz, who is dying from ALS. During a series of Tuesday visits, they discuss all facets of life – their last thesis together.

“Morrie would walk that final bridge between life and death, and narrate the trip.”

I regularly had to pause reading. A particular sentence would hit a certain way, or cause me to reflect on life, my understanding of others and my place in the world. It packs a punch for a short book. The use of flashbacks to their time in college and Morrie’s earlier life, were effective at painting a picture of this remarkable man.

“Because I know my time is almost done, I am drawn to nature like I’m seeing it for the first time.”

Quotes like that made me think of my grandmother. After I kissed her forehead goodbye one last time, I was struck with the realisation she wouldn't get to see the sunshine tomorrow, or the kookaburras laughing in the trees, or the sprinkling of snow over the mountains outside her window – ever again.

“I came to love the way Morrie lit up when I entered the room. He did this for many people, I know, but it was his special talent to make each visitor feel that the smile was unique.”

It got me thinking of my dog too, now elderly and blind, who still possesses that same talent and instantly lights up, wags her tail and literally smiles when anyone enters the room.

The author, like many of us, had become consumed by the frenetic pace of life since last seeing Morrie upon graduation. He had turned into a jerk. So, it was touching to follow his transformation through the book too.

“Now, more than ever, material things held little or no significance. When people die, you always hear the expression ‘You can’t take it with you.’ Morrie seemed to know that a long time ago.”

Tuesdays with Morrie delivered great awareness for ALS and it made me better appreciate all that my body does for me. Through these series of visits, we come to know Morrie so intimately, that you feel he’s your friend too - so it really hurt when the inevitable happened. I felt like I was grieving also.

Tuesdays with Morrie makes you stop. It makes you more present. It makes you reassess your priorities in life and embrace life itself. It makes you take less for granted. It makes you wish everyone had a teacher like Morrie. And it makes you grateful that his wisdom was immortalised in this book.

“Devote yourself to loving others, devote yourself to your community around you, and devote yourself to creating something that gives you purpose and meaning.”
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Quotes Rowan Liked

Mitch Albom
“Love wins, love always wins.”
Mitch Albom, Tuesdays with Morrie
tags: love

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October 6, 2022 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-50 of 134 (134 new)

message 1: by [deleted user] (new)

This is the book that kick started my reading after a lull in the late 90's. Good selection.

Rowan Bob (aka Bobby Lee) wrote: "This is the book that kick started my reading after a lull in the late 90's. Good selection."

I love that it kick started your reading again, Bob! I'm really enjoying it so far - a great book!

message 3: by Jess M. (new)

Jess M. Samuels I read this book on a plane from CA to Chicago ages ago. I just remember getting up about 50 times for more tissues because I was balling. The other passengers must have wondered what was up.

Rowan Jessica wrote: "I read this book on a plane from CA to Chicago ages ago. I just remember getting up about 50 times for more tissues because I was balling. The other passengers must have wondered what was up."

Wow, that sounds like quite the plane journey, Jessica! Haha I'm not surprised you required so many tissues. This is such a powerful, thought-provoking book. I know it will stay with me.

message 5: by [deleted user] (new)

Rowan wrote: "Bob (aka Bobby Lee) wrote: "This is the book that kick started my reading after a lull in the late 90's. Good selection."

I love that it kick started your reading again, Bob! I'm really enjoying i..."


Cheryl What a wonderful review, Rowan! I felt the same way after reading this book - it’s so very inspiring.

message 7: by Cassandra (new) - added it

Cassandra Beautiful, beautiful review! I first read this child alongside my parents when I was a kid. It made me feel solemn and like it was important to truly listen to every person, and hold space for them in my mind and my heart. It felt like responsibility, but one I was eager to take on. I believe it had a deep impact on me, though I can't be certain. Your review has made me want to revisit it and see how it makes me feel as an adult.

Rowan Cheryl wrote: "What a wonderful review, Rowan! I felt the same way after reading this book - it’s so very inspiring."

Thank you very much, Cheryl! I'm so glad you felt the same way about this book and found it inspiring too.

Rowan Cassandra wrote: "Beautiful, beautiful review! I first read this child alongside my parents when I was a kid. It made me feel solemn and like it was important to truly listen to every person, and hold space for them..."

Thank you for such kind words, Cassandra! I love that this book had such a profound impact on you too. Those are wonderful takeaways! I'm so glad my review has made you want to revisit this special book.

message 10: by Suz (last edited Oct 06, 2022 02:02AM) (new) - added it

Suz Rowan, I love this! I have this book on my shelf. Know it's exact location (I have a large library). I didn't realise the format. It is a special book, as is your review. You've said many touching things. And your dog. Bless!

Rowan Suz wrote: "Rowan, I love this! I have this book on my shelf. Know it's exact location (I have a large library). I didn't realise the format. It is a special book, as is your review. You've said many touching ..."

Thank you for such kind words, Suz! Your library sounds quite impressive. I think everyone should have a copy of this book! Definitely a special one - it got me reflecting on so much.

message 12: by Lisa (new) - rated it 4 stars

Lisa I'm with you here. I have read this book a few times over a 15 year period. The beautiful thing about this book, for me, is that every time I read it I learn something new, no matter my stage of life. A great read for sure.

message 13: by Sharon (new) - added it

Sharon Ouderkirk Wonderful review, Rowan. It isn't everyday that a book review is also a day brightener and an inspiration.

Jonathan K (Max Outlier) Having read many of his others, this one remains as my favorite..glad you felt likewise too

message 15: by Kay (new)

Kay Beautiful review Rowan! 🥰

message 16: by Rosh (last edited Oct 06, 2022 12:30PM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Rosh What a touching review, Rowan! It has been ages since I read this book but some of its lessons still resonate in my mind. An amazing book and his best work in my opinion. So glad you loved it!

Rowan Lisa wrote: "I'm with you here. I have read this book a few times over a 15 year period. The beautiful thing about this book, for me, is that every time I read it I learn something new, no matter my stage of li..."

I’m glad to hear you enjoyed this so much too, Lisa! I can definitely see how you would learn something new each time you read it. I’m looking forward to experience that myself.

Rowan Sharon wrote: "Wonderful review, Rowan. It isn't everyday that a book review is also a day brightener and an inspiration."

Thank you for such kind words, Sharon. I’m glad to know my review could act as a day brightener and inspiration too.

Rowan Jonathan wrote: "Having read many of his others, this one remains as my favorite..glad you felt likewise too"

I’m glad to see this was a favourite of yours, Jonathan - it’s easy to see why! I haven’t read any of his others yet, but know I definitely will in future.

Rowan Kay wrote: "Beautiful review Rowan! 🥰"

Thank you so much, Kay! ☺️

Rowan Rosh wrote: "What a touching review, Rowan! It has been ages since I read this book but some of its lessons still resonate in my mind. An amazing book and his best work in my opinion. So glad you loved it!"

Thank you very much, Rosh! I love that you enjoyed this book so much. I’m sure that many of these lessons will continue to resonate with me for years to come too. I really must check our some of his other work also!

message 22: by Ron (new) - rated it 4 stars

Ron Good review, Rowan. You remind me that in Albom's writing, he causes us think about other people more than ourselves. That is his gift.

message 23: by Colin (new) - added it

Colin Baldwin I love this review, Rowan, and how you chanced upon the book.
Another one added to my list now!
Cheers from CB

message 24: by Teresa (new)

Teresa Fantastic review Rowan! I love the way you equate it with pieces of your own life.

Rowan Ron wrote: "Good review, Rowan. You remind me that in Albom's writing, he causes us think about other people more than ourselves. That is his gift."

Thank you, Ron. That is so true about Albom’s writing. It’s quite a gift! I’m looking forward to reading more of his work now.

Rowan Colin wrote: "I love this review, Rowan, and how you chanced upon the book.
Another one added to my list now!
Cheers from CB"

Thank you very much, Colin! This was certainly a great find. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did! :)

Rowan Teresa wrote: "Fantastic review Rowan! I love the way you equate it with pieces of your own life."

Thank you very much Teresa, I appreciate your kind words ☺️ I love books that get me reflecting on life and those closest to me.

message 28: by Sarah (new)

Sarah Thanks for reviewing. I read some of this book when younger. Good you liked it.

Rowan Sarah wrote: "Thanks for reviewing. I read some of this book when younger. Good you liked it."

I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did, Sarah.

message 30: by Mona (new) - added it

Mona Rowan, what a wonderful review!

Rowan Mona wrote: "Rowan, what a wonderful review!"

Thank you very much, Mona!

message 32: by Georgia (last edited Oct 07, 2022 01:52AM) (new)

Georgia Scott Beautiful review Rowan. When a book makes a reader stop and think as you did of something in your own life, that's a pot of gold for a writer.

Rowan Georgia wrote: "Beautiful review Rowan. When a book makes a reader stop and think as you did of something in your own life, that's a pot of gold for a writer."

Thank you very much, Georgia! That's so true. Such books are always memorable. I'll be sure to read more from Mitch Albom.

message 34: by Diana (new)

Diana Fantastic!

Zoeytron Lovely, Rowan.

Rowan Diana wrote: "Fantastic!"

Thanks Diana!

Rowan Zoeytron wrote: "Lovely, Rowan."

Thank you, Zoey ☺️

message 38: by Patti (new)

Patti Just love the way you describe how the book affected you in different ways, Rowan. Guess I need to read it too!

message 39: by Suzy (new) - rated it 5 stars

Suzy I've thought this book might not be for me . . . perhaps I thought it too schmalzy? Your review leads me to think otherwise, so I just put it on hold at my library! Thank you for sharing the effect it had on you!

message 40: by Chantel (new)

Chantel I read this several years ago - via audiobook - & it wasn't necessarily my cup of tea but it makes me really glad to see how much you adored it :) There was so much to appreciate in this book & you can tell that the author cared about the subject matter. Your review makes me want to revisit this :)

Rowan Patti wrote: "Just love the way you describe how the book affected you in different ways, Rowan. Guess I need to read it too!"

Thank you for your kind words, Patti! It was definitely a book that got me reflecting on life. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

Rowan Suzy wrote: "I've thought this book might not be for me . . . perhaps I thought it too schmalzy? Your review leads me to think otherwise, so I just put it on hold at my library! Thank you for sharing the effect..."

Happy that my review caused you to place a hold on it, Suzy! I hope you don’t find it too schmalzy. It’s a fairly short read anyway. I hope you’re able to get something out of it like I did.

Rowan Chantel wrote: "I read this several years ago - via audiobook - & it wasn't necessarily my cup of tea but it makes me really glad to see how much you adored it :) There was so much to appreciate in this book & you..."

I’m happy to have made you want to revisit this one, Chantel! I totally understand how it isn’t for everyone. I might have even thought the author was taking advantage of Morrie if the book weren’t Morrie’s idea and its advance paid for his medical bills. I enjoyed how it got me reflecting on life and what truly matters.

message 44: by Suzy (new) - rated it 5 stars

Suzy Rowan wrote: "Suzy wrote: "I've thought this book might not be for me . . . perhaps I thought it too schmalzy? Your review leads me to think otherwise, so I just put it on hold at my library! Thank you for shari..."

I put the audio on hold - this seems perfect for Albom telling his story to me!

Rowan Suzy wrote: "Rowan wrote: "Suzy wrote: "I've thought this book might not be for me . . . perhaps I thought it too schmalzy? Your review leads me to think otherwise, so I just put it on hold at my library! Thank..."

Great idea, Suzy! I'm really curious about the audio now and how some of those touching moments are delivered.

message 46: by Gina (new)

Gina "It’s nice to think that buying this book (which had a profoundly positive impact on me), had a positive impact on others too." - That is such a nice thought, Rowan! I'm happy you enjoyed the book and took something out of it :)

message 47: by MarilynW (new)

MarilynW Wonderful review, Rowan. I want to read this eventually. My husband's college roommate and very good friend died of ALS.

Rebecca I loved this book 💖 Fantastic review Rowan, as always 🙏🏻💖💖

Rowan Gina wrote: ""It’s nice to think that buying this book (which had a profoundly positive impact on me), had a positive impact on others too." - That is such a nice thought, Rowan! I'm happy you enjoyed the book ..."

I'm glad you think so too, Gina! I did enjoy this one. Was just the read I needed!

Rowan MarilynW wrote: "Wonderful review, Rowan. I want to read this eventually. My husband's college roommate and very good friend died of ALS."

Thank you very much, Marilyn! I'm sorry to hear that your husband's good friend passed from ALS. It's such an awful disease. I really hope a cure can be found for it someday. I look forward to your review when you read it!

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