Ann's Reviews > The Bonjour Effect: The Secret Codes of French Conversation Revealed

The Bonjour Effect by Julie Barlow
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it was amazing

Four and a half stars.

A few thoughts. First, I was only able to get a hold of the audio version from the library. Big mistake. The reader has a TERRIBLE accent (why was she hired to read a book chock full of French words?!) I will, however, be shelling out to have a paper copy for my collection— high praise, coming from me. As a teacher and lifelong student and enthusiast of French, this book will come in handy as a reference for many things I teach, and to help prepare my students for our exchange.

I do have disagreements with some of their takes, namely that the French avoid talking about politics. Maybe my experience is tainted, though, since I am an American, and my most recent visits to France have been during the (albeit polar opposite) presidencies of two very conversation-worthy men, I find the French dinner table is guaranteed to bring up politics. In fact, I make it a point to teach the students in my exchange program about the French political system and terminology, and how to express their views. I tell them they need to have an opinion, or be ready with good questions to turn back to the French if they don’t have an opinion (or their Americanness makes them feel uncomfortable to share). The students are always glad to have been trained, and most come back to tell me that they were, indeed, questioned about politics or about the US President. But again, maybe it’s because the French can start by talking about US politics with a foreigner like myself (and they always seem to know more about my own government’s politics than me), so the situation is unique and brings down their guard.

Anyway, I would be curious to hear what the writers think about current global populist movements, new movements in gender inclusivity, and the bac reforms.

I always enjoy their books.
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message 1: by Jenn (new)

Jenn When we did our trip together way back in 2006, my host family and my host sister's friends all had MANY questions about GWB, American politics, global politics, etc. I got the impression that the French generally did not shy away from those conversations. In my most recent 2 visits (both in 2013) we didn't have many in depth conversations but it did occasionally come up in taxi rides, cafés, etc.

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