K's Reviews > Robert B. Parker's Old Black Magic

Robert B. Parker's Old Black Magic by Ace Atkins
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Another very enjoyable installation of the Spencer series by Ace Atkins. Except for the seemingly unnecessary scenes with girlfriend Susan, Spencer does what he does best: crack wise and eventually track down a stolen piece of art for the Winthrop museum.

However, without telling too much, all will not end as it seems. Atkins has done an admirable job of creating twists to the plot, even offering Spencer an interesting substitute “back up“ in the form of his old pal, Vinnie. The latter, it seems, is out of organized crime now and runs a bowling alley when not aiding Spencer.

Any fan of these books will enjoy this addition, although perhaps slightly less than those featuring either Hawk, or Z in the role of Spencer’s back up. As for girlfriend Susan, I continue to wish that Spencer would avail himself of other female companionship, but alas, it is not meant to be. So I guess we’re stuck with that relationship and can only hope that Spencer is pulled away by crimes to solve more often than not so that we may be spared their saccharine-laced exchanges.

All in all, this is an enjoyable romp with plenty of action, snarky comments, epicurean delights, and good old-fashioned fun.
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April 9, 2020 – Shelved
June 13, 2020 – Started Reading
June 17, 2020 – Finished Reading

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James Thane Not surprisingly, I suppose, we're definitely on the same page with regard to this book. Really wish we could have Brenda Loring back!

message 2: by K (new) - rated it 4 stars

K James wrote: "Not surprisingly, I suppose, we're definitely on the same page with regard to this book. Really wish we could have Brenda Loring back!"

No surprise here, Jim. Brenda, his tough-as-nails and rather attractive attorney, or just about anyone else would suit me fine!

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