Carol's Reviews > Hidden Valley Road: Inside the Mind of an American Family

Hidden Valley Road by Robert Kolker
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's review

it was amazing
bookshelves: psychology, non-fiction, e-audible, c-spgs

****4.5 STARS****

The story follows the gut-wrenching odyssey of the Galvin family. Don and Mimi Galvin had ten boys and two girls between 1945 and 1965. Six of the couple's sons were diagnosed with schizophrenia. The author skillfully weaves the Galvins’ story with the history of schizophrenia and its devastating effects on both the family and the afflicted.

Even without the diagnosis of schizophrenia, their personal family story was intimate and spellbinding for me. Elements of the narrative resonate because I grew up in a large, Catholic family and I am also a long-time resident of Colorado Springs. The earlier years of the Galvin marriage in my hometown included many familiar landmarks that made the story even more compelling. I’m surprised that I never heard of this family!

It is a fascinating biography, well written and unputdownable.
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Reading Progress

April 3, 2020 – Shelved
April 3, 2020 – Shelved as: to-read
April 3, 2020 – Shelved as: psychology
April 3, 2020 – Shelved as: non-fiction
June 28, 2020 – Shelved as: e-audible
December 2, 2020 – Started Reading
December 15, 2020 – Finished Reading
January 1, 2021 – Shelved as: c-spgs

Comments Showing 1-23 of 23 (23 new)

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message 1: by Jennifer (new) - added it

Jennifer Welsh I look forward to your review of this, Carol

Carol Jennifer wrote: "I look forward to your review of this, Carol"

Sorry I missed your comment, Jennifer! I read earlier but just now posted a review. It was a compelling read! Thank you.

Canadian Jen It was indeed a compelling one. Glad you enjoyed it, Carol!

Carol Jen wrote: "It was indeed a compelling one. Glad you enjoyed it, Carol!"

Thanks, Jen. Yes, it was certainly compelling!

Tooter I loved this one too Carol. Fascinating!

Angela M is taking a break. Wonderful review, Carol .

JanB I found this story absolutely fascinating. Great review Carol!

message 8: by Esil (new) - added it

Esil This sounds so interesting, Carol.

Carol Tooter wrote: "I loved this one too Carol. Fascinating!"

Thanks, Tooter. I know that you did and I agree. I was mesmerized.

Carol Angela M wrote: "Wonderful review, Carol ."

Thank you, Angela.

Carol JanB wrote: "I found this story absolutely fascinating. Great review Carol!"

I just read your fine review, Jan. I agree...I couldn't put it down.

Carol Esil wrote: "This sounds so interesting, Carol."

If you read this nonfiction, I believe that you will be fascinated. Thanks for commenting.

message 13: by Zoeytron (new)

Zoeytron I read very little nonfiction, but this is the second stellar review I have seen of this one. Very tempting.

Carol Zoeytron wrote: "I read very little nonfiction, but this is the second stellar review I have seen of this one. Very tempting."

I'm happy that you've been tempted, Zoey. It was fascinating nonfiction! Thanks for commenting.

message 15: by Jennifer (new) - added it

Jennifer Welsh Jennifer wrote: "I look forward to your review of this, Carol"

Great review, Carol! I really want to read this. I understand so little about schizophrenia.

Happy New Year!

Carol Elyse wrote: "Fantastic review Carol ...
I couldn’t pull away from it when I read it!!
Happy New Year!"

Thanks, Elyse. I just read your awesome review of this story. It certainly was unputdownable!

Carol Jennifer wrote: "Jennifer wrote: "I look forward to your review of this, Carol"

Great review, Carol! I really want to read this. I understand so little about schizophrenia.

Happy New Year!"

Happy new year, my friend! If you have an interest in schizophrenia, this one is fascinating. Thanks for commenting.

Beata This was a hard read for me, Carol ... Fine review :))

Carol Beata wrote: "This was a hard read for me, Carol ... Fine review :))"

Thank you kindly, Beata! Yes, I agree. It was both fascinating and heartbreaking for that family.

Kelli This story gutted me.

Carol Kelli wrote: "This story gutted me."

Yes, me too, Kelli. Raising 12 children would be hard enough with coping with six with schizophrenia! Thanks for commenting.

message 22: by LA (new) - rated it 4 stars

LA My gosh. This must have really hit home - your fellow “neighbors!”

Carol LA wrote: "My gosh. This must have really hit home - your fellow “neighbors!”"

Thanks for commenting, LA. Yes, it was a compelling read, especially since I also grew up in a large, Catholic family. That's complicated enough without the schizophrenia. :)

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