Dr. Appu Sasidharan (Dasfill)'s Reviews > No More Mr. Nice Guy

No More Mr. Nice Guy by Robert A. Glover
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Nice guys are those people who go the extra mile to please others. The author is perfectly describing a cycle that nice guys go through in their life. They will try hard to please others, but the opposite person will try to utilize the nice guy and ultimately hurts them deeply. Still, they won’t respond and tries to be nice. They won’t respond even if they understand that the opposite person is misbehaving. Finally, they will reach a point where there will be a severe outburst from the nice guy. Then this cycle repeats. If you are an empath, you will understand clearly what I mentioned above, and this book will definitely help you. You will understand so many intricate details about your life, which will immensely help you in your life.

The problem with this book is that in some areas that you will strongly disagree with the author. The author ludicrously describes feminism and women. It will hurt your feelings if you are a woman or a man who respects women. The author should have mentioned this topic in a much more careful manner.

This book is a must-read book if you consider yourself a nice guy or if you are an empath or if you have personality disorders like borderline personality disorder or dependent personality disorder.
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Comments Showing 1-4 of 4 (4 new)

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message 1: by robin (new)

robin friedman From what you say, the author is unsympathetic to feminism. I can't say that I blame him.

message 2: by Anushka Sierra (new)

Anushka Sierra "It will hurt your feelings if you are a woman or a man who respects women."
The corollary being that it will uplift people who don't respect women. This in itself seems to be a very good reason not to recommend this book.

Dr. Appu Sasidharan (Dasfill) robin wrote: "From what you say, the author is unsympathetic to feminism. I can't say that I blame him."

I can understand what you said above. Even though I support feminism, I wouldn't have blamed the author if he would have just said he is against feminism, as I m pretty aware of the difference in opinion of people towards feminism. But sadly, the problem doesn't stop there. The author takes it to the next level, which will fall in the paternalistic, male chauvinistic territories that are not acceptable.

Dr. Appu Sasidharan (Dasfill) Anushka wrote: ""It will hurt your feelings if you are a woman or a man who respects women."
The corollary being that it will uplift people who don't respect women. This in itself seems to be a very good reason n..."

I agree entirely with what you said above. The author should have been extremely cautious about what he wrote about the women. I would have given the lowest rating for this book for how he handled the situation. I would also have told everyone to avoid this book. The author is an experienced psychotherapist, which makes the problem even worse. It is not acceptable when someone of his stature writes about women in such an inappropriate manner.

There are some positives to this book too. There are some simple yet effective ideas in it that we won't see in any CBT or DBT books released for the public. It will immensely help some of the patients and can alter their life in the best possible way. So, in short, it is a mixed bag. When the author gets something right, he is absolutely spot on. When the author conveys something wrong, he messes it up terribly. This book is recommended only for those who have the nice guy syndrome or some personality disorders or to anyone related to them who can pick up the good ideas hidden around the trash, which should be inevitably discarded. It might help them to decrease the pain in their life.

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