Louise H - ⭐ Life in the Book Lane Reviews ⭐'s Reviews > Eternal Sin

Eternal Sin by Ariana Nash
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Mikhail pulled the stars down from heaven because giving this a mere 5 was simply not adequate.

It was too much, and everything, and not enough.

It will never be enough because I want to stay with this pair forever.

Oh Severn, Oh Mikhail, what a star-crossed pair of lovers you are. The lies and secrets of demon and angel-kind have torn this pair asunder but I still cling to the hope that love, and Amii, will find a way to save this gods-fated pair. There are twists and turns in this tale, there are lies told and lies uncovered. Mikhail, not surprisingly, continues to struggle with his feelings, after all angels aren't meant to fall in love, and definitely not with demons.

This book gave me more feels than I ever knew existed. Mikhail and Severn's love hurts my heart in all the best possible ways. There is something quite magical about this pair, both when they are apart but even more so when they are together. Not surprising really given their divine heritage. Nothing, absolutely nothing, about this book was predictable. Even as I had only a few pages left to read I still had absolutely no idea what twist would hit me - or one of our heroes - next.

Ariana Nash's prose took a blender to my soul, in a good way! I felt every single emotion, experienced the heartache and agony, drowned in every soul searing kiss, lusted after a dark angel and his golden haired demon, railed at the injustices that befell them. And every single time I felt a smidgeon of hope, some dire peril threatened to rip it all away again. Bravo Ms Nash you have truly left me an emotional wreck, one that will not be set to rights until Infernal Sin is published!
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Reading Progress

March 21, 2020 – Shelved
March 21, 2020 – Shelved as: to-read
August 27, 2020 – Started Reading
August 29, 2020 – Shelved as: read-in-2020
August 29, 2020 – Finished Reading
August 30, 2020 – Shelved as: 5-plus-star
February 14, 2021 – Shelved as: angels-demons-gods-magic
February 15, 2023 – Shelved as: lgbtqia

Comments Showing 1-4 of 4 (4 new)

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message 1: by Melanie (new) - added it

Melanie A. Yay! Fab review, Louise! I have book 1 coming up as a buddy read in September and I'm even more excited now. <3

Louise H  -  ⭐ Life in the Book Lane Reviews ⭐ Melanie wrote: "Yay! Fab review, Louise! I have book 1 coming up as a buddy read in September and I'm even more excited now. <3"

Thank you Melanie. This series is proving to be just as good as the Silk and Steel series. Severn and Mikhail just me swoon! 😍

Monique That first sentence is just perfect 😊 we're lucky to have Mikhail 😄

Louise H  -  ⭐ Life in the Book Lane Reviews ⭐ Saint Monique wrote: "That first sentence is just perfect 😊 we're lucky to have Mikhail 😄"

Thank you, Mikhail and Severn are just so amazing.

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