Eugenia's Reviews > How to Vex a Vampire

How to Vex a Vampire by Alice  Winters
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did not like it
bookshelves: nope, dnf, mm-romance, paranormal, mystery-thriller, vampire

This should have been titled: HOW TO VEX A READER.
DNF @17%. Non-stop snark. It’s just too much.
And it’s official: this author is not for me. This was my third go with her and they were all DNFs.

Different people different tastes...
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Reading Progress

March 13, 2020 – Started Reading
March 13, 2020 – Shelved
March 13, 2020 – Shelved as: nope
March 13, 2020 – Shelved as: dnf
March 13, 2020 – Finished Reading
July 7, 2020 – Shelved as: mm-romance
July 7, 2020 – Shelved as: paranormal
July 7, 2020 – Shelved as: mystery-thriller
July 7, 2020 – Shelved as: vampire

Comments Showing 1-23 of 23 (23 new)

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message 1: by Snjez (new)

Snjez This author's writing style is not for me, either. I've only read one book by her, it wasn't a dnf, but it was a 1-star-read for me 😕

Eugenia Snjez wrote: "This author's writing style is not for me, either. I've only read one book by her, it wasn't a dnf, but it was a 1-star-read for me 😕"

I'm glad I'm not alone :). I feel like I should like her because everyone else seems to love her, but her snark level is so high that it takes away from the characters and the story. It becomes a matter of how to turn every line into a joke or an insult. It's too much.

message 3: by Snjez (new)

Snjez I completely agree with you! That's exactly why I hated the book I've read by her, and I rarely hate a book. The way she made a joke out of each situation was just too much. And I didn't find it funny.

message 4: by Teal (new)

Teal I agree with both of you. Too much snark is like too much seasoning in food -- instead of enhancing it, it overwhelms everything else that's supposed to be there, and turns it into an obnoxious one-note experience.

message 5: by Snjez (new)

Snjez 👆👆 Well said, Teal!

Eugenia ☝️☝️☝️

Brandy R. I read the sample for this book, I enjoyed the THIRDS series from Charlie Cochet and this had a feel like it tries to emulate that type of environment. A person who is serious when called to be but quirky and funny when they need to be but falls short because Finn is likable, yet Marcus is just too stiff and the whole vampires are better than humans gets old pretty fast.
A little tweaking; you need to read like you are Finn or Marcus, not this like your in first person “I” mode that makes people feel uncomfortable.

Eugenia Hi Brandy! I’m typically a big fan of snark and I loved the THIRDS series. One of my favorite authors is Lily Morton, Queen of Snark. Yet, this was just too much. For me, I don’t think the POV switch would have made any difference. I’ve tried several books by her and only one somewhat worked. I’m happy, though, that Winters’ style works for you!

Manouchka I feel same way about this author

Eugenia @Manouchka...I want to like her because so many do, so I keep giving her books a shot. Ah well, at least we know we are not alone! 😉

Sabrina I couldn't finish it either. I enjoy some funny scenes and some banter here and there but this amount of banter was insane. And it wasn't funny. Ever. I never found myself laughing...not even chuckling..not even a snort. 2nd book by this author that has this insane amount of banter/"funny" scenes that I have DNF.

Eugenia Sabrina wrote: "I couldn't finish it either. I enjoy some funny scenes and some banter here and there but this amount of banter was insane. And it wasn't funny. Ever. I never found myself laughing...not even chuck..."

Right back atcha! I think we are in the minority, but we make a great club!

M'rella I read this book for a challenge. I almost DNF-ed it 3(!) times. I skipped insane amount of pages, without, as it turned out, missing anything vital.

The author doesn't know where to stop with all the banter. At times I couldn't even distinguish between Finn and Marcus. Their jokes are all the same and they don't have a distinct enough voice to each have a POV.

Eugenia You are spot on, M’rella, as far as I’m concerned! There’s snark and then there is what is in this novel which does nothing to create character nor move the plot. I know some people love this author, and I’m happy they enjoy reading her books, but she is on my NOPE shelf until (if ever) she can dial it down.

Lori¸¸¸.•*❀Ɍɛɑɗs̱LɪƙɛIʈs̱H̱ɛɍJɔɓ  유❤유 Thanks for your review. I have tried two of this author's books and I couldn't finish them due to the juvenile nonstop snarkfest. The MCs seem to be cookie cutters for each book and I can't stand that. In theory, I should love her books. The premises seem promising, but the execution is off for me. I am very disappointed that I can't enjoy her books because so many people love her writing style and there are not enough good, genuinely funny mm books. I am very grateful for authors like Lily Morton, Alexis Hall and Piper Scott who seem to work for me much better. I am glad that people can get so much enjoyment out of this author's books but I just don't think I will ever be one of them.

Sabrina Oh yeah, Lori. I have read 2 of her books by now (I didn’t realize it was the same author until I recognized the “funny” dialogue) and all of her characters sound the same (at least the MCs). Its like the author just changed the name, their appearance and that’s it. Personality wise? They are all the same. Sometimes two MCs can act the same in the same book and you can’t even tell one from the other. Now THAT is funny. Tragic but funny. Tragically funny.

Eugenia thoughts exactly! That’s why I kept giving her a chance, Lily Morton is a fave of mine, I love snark, but this author doesn’t have the finesse with it like Morton and other authors you mentioned do.

Manouchka girl i couldn't into it myself. it feels like this book was trying to hard to be fun

Eugenia @Manouchka... YES! That’s it exactly.

Eugenia need to feel guilty. We all like/love different things & it’s awesome that there are authors out there that appeal to us all. 😍😍

Sabrina @Johann no guilt necessary. In fact, you’re my hero. You managed to get enjoyment out of it. Oh, to be you.

Lori¸¸¸.•*❀Ɍɛɑɗs̱LɪƙɛIʈs̱H̱ɛɍJɔɓ  유❤유 @Johann and @Sabrina my sentiments exactly! I would love to be able to enjoy her books as well!

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