Annie 's Reviews > Into the Dreaming: With Bonus Material

Into the Dreaming by Karen Marie Moning
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If you’re a massive fan of Karen Marie Moning like I am, then you may have squeed upon hearing about this rerelease. I love KMM’s Fever series (I really do), but for some reason I enjoy her Highlander series more. I love the passion in them, the darkness and also the hot alpha men who grace the pages of these books.

In INTO THE DREAMING, we get another bonus hottie in Aeden. Jane, a modern- day romance writer and Aeden, a hot Scot fall in love in between realms called the Dreaming. When Jane is transported back in time to save Aeden from the Unseelie King, we really get a glimpse of the undying love they have for one another. For a short story, it’s great and give new readers a chance to see what KMM’s writing was like before. You seriously cannot go wrong with a KMM Scottish highlander.

After this, Karen writes a great piece about her time as a writer. It’s heartfelt and worth the read if you are interested in the inner thoughts of your favorite author.

Karen also gifts her fans with GHOST OF A CHANCE, a formal proposal of a book that was never written. It’s interesting and would make some readers wish this did get written because it does sound like an interesting book.

The next two sections are the ones I was most looking forward to. As a big fan of her MacKelter brothers, I was excited to read about the deleted scene from KISS OF THE HIGHLANDER and the Dark Highlander Lite version. These are just little treats for her fans and I think it’s great to see them all in one book.

There is also a teaser for Darkfever for highlander fans who haven’t read her Fever series yet. Also, there is about 10 pages or so about FEVERMOON, the graphic novel adaptation of her Fever series. I’m not quite sure that this part was worth it. It contains both black and white and colored pictures, but not enough for me to say, “Oh my god, I need this now.”

In the end, I enjoyed this. If you’re a KMM fan, you’ll want to check this out. Indulge in your Moning Maniac side.
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Comments Showing 1-2 of 2 (2 new)

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Shelley Dance While I like both series I am also partial to the Highlander series more. I had already read the novella and was wondering if the extra's Karen added are worth the 12.99 I have to pay for the book?

message 2: by Annie (new) - added it

Annie I adore her highlanders and for me, the bits about the Mackelter brothers were enough for me to buy it. But if you want to see the fevermoon pictures, those werent that great in my opinion. I say get it if you're a big highlander fan.

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