Susan's Reviews > Virgin Flyer

Virgin Flyer by Lucy Lennox
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bookshelves: mm, sweet

I was so happy with the first half of this book. I was sure this would be a 5 star read for me.

I wasn't quite sure how everything with Chris was going to turn out, but I had high hopes he would be thoroughly put in his place. Well, that was not what happened.

I absolutely loved Teo. He was cute and sweet and just adorable overall. But why he was best friends with a douchebag like Chris? I had no idea. I never once felt like I could understand what Teo saw in him. Chris was a manipulative asshat and he didn't even deserve Teo as a friend.

Besides the presense of douchecanou Chris, I also really started to dislike the storyline more and more when it slowly got clear to me that these guys were not going to spill their guts to each other. Nope, they were both going to be miserable and were both trying to not tell the other one how they felt. And I really hate that in my books.

These guys were so cute at first, and then Chris started to interfere, and Teo let him. Jack wasn't open about his feelings either, so it took them until 90% to get their act together.

I think the miscommunication trope hit me even harder this time because I loved the first half so much. But now it just left a bad taste in my mouth..... :(
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Reading Progress

March 3, 2020 – Shelved as: to-read
March 3, 2020 – Shelved
March 5, 2020 – Started Reading
March 5, 2020 –
25.0% "I really hate Chris. What a douche."
March 6, 2020 – Shelved as: mm
March 6, 2020 – Shelved as: sweet
March 6, 2020 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-14 of 14 (14 new)

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Snjez I also thought it would be a 5 star read when I started it and I agree with you on everything. Chris was awful and the whole thing with him dragged for too long. I also think that Teo and Jack should have been honest about their feelings sooner. There was one scene that I didn't get, when Chris was at Teo's and called him his boyfriend. As far as he knew, Teo already had a boyfriend 🤷. But overall, I enjoyed it a bit more than you, it really put me in a good mood 🙂. Great review, Susan and sorry you didn't like it more ❤️

message 2: by Judith (new)

Judith Yeah,currently (trying) to get through this and I’m not that impressed.

message 3: by Lizzie (new)

Lizzie Ugh. Really sad to hear that about this book. I was going to read it but now I won't bother. Because I hate that whole "I won't tell you how I feel " thing. Especially when it drags on and on. And the douchebag friend? Nope, not for me. I absolutely loathe when people interfere in the romantic relationship.
Great review, thanks Susan.

Susan Snjez wrote: "I also thought it would be a 5 star read when I started it and I agree with you on everything. Chris was awful and the whole thing with him dragged for too long. I also think that Teo and Jack shou..."

I'm always sad that I can't kill off book characters I loath. #deathtochris 😂

Susan Judith wrote: "Yeah,currently (trying) to get through this and I’m not that impressed."

How far in are you?

Susan Lizzie wrote: "Ugh. Really sad to hear that about this book. I was going to read it but now I won't bother. Because I hate that whole "I won't tell you how I feel " thing. Especially when it drags on and on. And ..."

I do seem to be one of the few people who got this annoyed with the miscommunication that I let it ruin the book for me. But if you're like me, then yes it will bother you. But perhaps you'll like it anyway?

message 7: by Judith (new)

Judith Susan wrote: "Judith wrote: "Yeah,currently (trying) to get through this and I’m not that impressed."

How far in are you?"

Not far,chapter 3. On hold as I’m reading something else-I’ll probably go back to it.

message 8: by Helen (new) - added it

Helen Thanks for the honest review , I don't like miscommunication that goes on for too long …… I'll have to think on this one : - (

Susan Judith wrote: "Not far,chapter 3. On hold as I’m reading something else-I’ll probably g..."

I do hope you'll like it more than I did.

Susan Helen wrote: "Thanks for the honest review , I don't like miscommunication that goes on for too long …… I'll have to think on this one : - ("

That's why the fake boyfriend trope is a tricky one for me. They often don't tell each other how they really feel. ☹️

message 11: by Judith (new)

Judith Susan wrote: "Judith wrote: "Not far,chapter 3. On hold as I’m reading something else-I’ll probably g..."

I do hope you'll like it more than I did."

Expectations are low-I haven’t got much desire to go back and I’ve just finished a really good book so I’m in a hangover phase.

message 12: by Roxcell (new)

Roxcell Haven't read this and I might not after your review, but I hate the annoying miscommunication/ omission of truth just to drive the story as well

message 13: by Roxcell (new)

Roxcell Haven't read this and I might not after your review, but I hate the annoying miscommunication/ omission of truth just to drive the story as well

Susan I really dislike it as well. But I do seem to be the only one having these issues with this book.

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