Fergus, Quondam Happy Face's Reviews > Notes from Underground

Notes from Underground by Fyodor Dostoevsky
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it was amazing

As I burrowed anxiously into Fyodor Dostoevsky’s underground rant when I was eighteen, I was suddenly mushrooming in stature far beyond my pay scale.

How do you explain it to your senior year preppie-ish friends that you’re suddenly beyond them? You’re like Alice in the rabbit hole. I had been a bullied suburban kid, and now I was being harried by absurd abstractions.

And justifying it - by labelling it smart - but sotto voce, so no one heard me.

All my life, you see, my thoughts and emotions had had free reign over my headspace, simply because I suddenly thought they corresponded with those of some amazing writers.

In one fell stroke my thought thought itself out into a complete simplicity: and by the same stroke I was left far behind by the crowd, a disgrace. Bullies who had harassed me, now high school gridiron heroes, told me I had to get my act in gear. Why didn’t I get the picture?

Small town kids only thrive in their own small minds. For them, what you see is what you get. But they’re right, in a sense, except they all wanted more, too.

They wanted a BIG slice of the Pie.

And I had another 50 years to live before I’d see that. In the meantime I’d be just like Auden’s ambitious kid who one day, for the first time, “saw his (enormous) shadow - and ran.”

And running from your shadow is in fact becoming a REAL Underground Man.

Once a real grownup sees you’re doing it, you’re Royally Snookered. And you’re really underground. As Hesse said, you’re now Beneath the Wheel.

So you pay. As all pay, who aim too high.

But you know what?

If you pay that price as fully consciously and in the same way as you once thought you saw great men’s thoughts echoing your own, you may in fact pay it as a Conscious Sacrifice to a Greater Being.

A Being of ground-zero, true ethical substance.

The only hope of a secure foundation for our life. And the only release from our self-imposed separation within the common currency of craving.

For ONLY when our hopes have all been turned to dust, do we see.

That doesn’t seem like such a Great Leap to make when you’re reduced to Ground Level - that’s the beautiful irony of it.

For to the big shots, faith is a weak crutch - while to little schmoes like you and me, it’s a clear path to peace.

As the faith of the Russian Master who wrote this novella was for him.

For the writing about the Underground Man was just a pretense...

An excuse for him to reach out to pass the only available candle to ALL of us under-grounders:

Who have spent too long in the dark not to reach out ourselves - for the first glimmer of light in our grim lives -

The Light of true Being.
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message 1: by Cookie M. (new)

 Cookie M. Small town kids we were, Fergus. So alike in so many ways. I had to laugh behind my hands when when I saw my own son make the same errors and suffer the same delusions in his turn. He is a very late bloomer, only now beginning, at the age of 36 to come out from under Beneath the Wheel. The faith is there, the knees are bent for his own Great Leap, but only because life has very recently shoved him to his knees and told him to stay there for a while.
Pray for him, my friend. He sees the glimmer.

Fergus, Quondam Happy Face God bless him, wonderful kid. To paraphrase Nietzsche, we humans are a bridge between the world of the ordinary and the world of the Spirit!

Laysee "... faith.... is a clear path to peace."

Fergus, I appreciated your take on this novel, especially how you related it to your life experience.

Fergus, Quondam Happy Face Well, Laysee, I just noticed I somehow forgot to talk much about Dostoevsky! That may be OK, though, because now he’s so much a part of me that I can’t shake his noir-ish ange gardien.

message 5: by Infosifter (new)

Infosifter I had a professor of Russian literature ones who thought you could judge a person's character by how they reacted to Dostoyevsky. His writing made me feel like the universe was shrinking, and that everyone in it was coming after me. (LOL)

Fergus, Quondam Happy Face Yep, I too used to have that shrinking feeling (still do, on my off-days)! But whenever I do I make myself cozy again with lighter fare...

message 7: by Mbgirl (new)

Mbgirl Wonderful that you covered this book—- one that has been on my shelf for decades!? Why don’t i finish my own shelves before reading newer ones, I’ll never know

Fergus, Quondam Happy Face Well, I’m exactly the same! Remember telling a little kid who dawdles with his food, ‘your eyes are bigger than your stomach?’ We’re the same on GR - our appetite for buying fascinating books is bigger than our ability to read ‘em all!

message 9: by Cookie M. (new)

 Cookie M. I am listening to a Great Courses series of lectures on metaphysics, and I have that same old feeling I did as an 18 year old kid. Then yesterday, the son comes out of his room and asks me the age old question, if I could change one aspect of my being would I do it, and what would it be?

Fergus, Quondam Happy Face Well, when I was eighteen I had a sometime girlfriend who told me about her former paramour, a guy who asked everyone he knew, ‘How can YOU justify your existence?’ I think I, however, was more or less like you - threading through the pros and cons of a metaphysical position - but then I’d get pestered by left-field questions like your son’s! Just tell him Socrates stopped such queries flat, by labelling ‘em sophist...

message 11: by India M. (new)

India M. Clamp Free reign is needed to create. Candles 🕯 could have curves and wear 👠?

message 12: by Shruti (new)

Shruti A very lovely review, Fergus!

Wishing you a very happy new year, hope 2021 is an even better reading year for you. ❤️

Fergus, Quondam Happy Face Thanks so much to both you kind ladies! And may 2021 be for you an enjoyable year of heaping more logs on a blazing fire and sinking back into calm reverie on the books you’ve read. Distancing has its advantages!

message 14: by Karina (new)

Karina Wonderful review!! So glad you have found your light. I cannot imagine you so grim. You are a ray of happiness through this machine.
He is such a wonderful author.... glad you had a satisfying read

Fergus, Quondam Happy Face Oh, it changed my life - and I read it while on summer break, between high school and college. It said to me: NOW’s the time to make a leap of faith, see the Real Facts of your changing Life. Grow up! So I did - and in the end, after a very long struggle, I found lasting peace.

Jennifer ~ TarHeelReader Fantastic review, Fergus!

Fergus, Quondam Happy Face Thanks so much, Jennifer! Your words mean so much to me.

Iluvatar . One of his best works

Fergus, Quondam Happy Face And I was then Supremely Lucky! It was my first one. Next stop… Crime and Punishment, that Fall!

Vanitha Narayan Brilliant , sir!!. You should write your own version of ' Notes from Underground' . I would happily read it!

Fergus, Quondam Happy Face Well, you know it's funny, Vanitha - my adolescent rage, very much in evidence when I read this in my teens, has long since been obviated by my constant attention to a now-prevailing ethical outlook. It seems in my old age that the attitudes skewered by Dostoevsky's young man are best destroyed by Christian logic!

Fergus, Quondam Happy Face I should add that the real problem for me was not the bourgeois mindset - but in fact my own buried trauma in dealing with it! Trauma, as one wag wrote, is a fact of life I must face head on.

jaz ₍ᐢ.  ̫.ᐢ₎ Currently reading this and now I must pick it up and immediately keep going, brilliant review

Fergus, Quondam Happy Face Yes, by all means put your head down and plough right through it! See? It's like holding a mirror up to our own uncool grouchy faces!

message 25: by EdIsInHell (new)

EdIsInHell Excellent review

message 26: by Mark (new) - rated it 5 stars

Mark I hope you’ve taken occasion to revisit this one since 18, when it must have sounded indeed like only an angry rant. It’s so much more than that, and even more apropos and needful today. The world under rabid capitalism is infinitely more absurd than Dos could have imagined on his worst day.

Fergus, Quondam Happy Face Yes, I must - especially just having got lost in the personally valid but logically absurd complaints of young Arkady (a kid so much like I was) against a Russian version of Big Brother, in The Adolescent!

message 28: by Debbie (new)

Debbie Roth Love this: “All my life, you see, my thoughts and emotions had had free rein over my headspace, simply because I suddenly thought they corresponded with those of some amazing writers.”

Fergus, Quondam Happy Face Yep. The FIRST unacceptable mistake I made before my inevitable Fall from society's graces! 😐 Thanks, Debbie.

message 30: by Dianne (new)

Dianne Alvine A beautiful review!

Fergus, Quondam Happy Face Oh, thanks so much, Dianne! Funny, but now the discipline I hated then seems infinitely preferable to the mess in which we find ourselves now. The underground is what so many of us consider safe these days!

message 32: by Payne (new)

Payne Walton Wonderful review Fergus. I appreciate your words!

Fergus, Quondam Happy Face Oh, you're welcome, Payne! And along with my new friend, Dianne, thanks both of you for friending me.

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