Dilek VT's Reviews > Blindsided

Blindsided by Amy Daws
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did not like it
bookshelves: dnf, awful, dumb-heroine, virgin-heroine

I had to DNF this book because it is one of the cringiest books ever with a highly unlikable heroine!

The heroine, Freya, is a 30-year old virgin. Normally, I do not like to read "virgin heroine vs man-wh*re hero" books so it was the reason I was reluctant to read this book for so long but then I had the book already on my Kindle so I said, “What the hell, let me at least try...” However, she is not only a 30-year old virgin, but she knows nothing about sex. Never masturbated, never read articles on it etc. She doesn’t even know some basic knowledge or certain vocabulary related to sex.

For example, they were playing, “Never have I …” with friends and when asked if she ever “gave head” or tried “reverse cowgirl”, she had no idea what they all meant so she just acted as if she did all of those things. I thought I could try to put up with a 30-year old virgin but I never thought she would be so dumb. She literally thought a reverse cowgirl would mean “the girl dresses up like a cowboy and the boy dresses up like a cowgirl.” See how dumb she is?

And the writer makes it look like that her dumbness is in fact her innocence! Ha ha, innocence my as*! She was the definition of an idiot, that’s what she was. An irritating idiot! She even asks the hero whether it hurts for men when they do it the first time! How could anyone at the age of 30 be so clueless? She wasn’t living her life with monkeys and deers in a jungle!

This cringy woman refers to sex as “The Sex”. She says that she has never had The Sex. She says she wants to experience The Sex… How repulsive is that? She also calls her virginity her “Maiden Tag”... Ughhh…

The more I read, the more I wondered how much more ridiculous and irritating it would get and I cannot tell you how unbearable it gets. There are no words!


Freya is also a self deprecating person. She always talks about her body in an insulting way. She constantly emphasizes that she is not attractive due to her over-weight body. She keeps saying how she is not a good match for the athletic handsome hero.

Her non-stop body-shaming is not only annoying to me as a reader of a romance book but it is also insulting for all women out there in real life who don’t look like a super model.

Thus, I said "enough is enough" and DNF'ed it after their first sex scene.
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Reading Progress

February 12, 2020 – Shelved
February 12, 2020 – Shelved as: maybe
April 1, 2020 – Shelved as: dnf
April 1, 2020 – Shelved as: awful
April 1, 2020 – Shelved as: dumb-heroine
April 1, 2020 – Shelved as: virgin-heroine

Comments Showing 1-21 of 21 (21 new)

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message 1: by Antonella (new) - added it

Antonella omg...thank you for your honest rant...not be reading this...even though I just read a book by this author also with a virgin but that one was a doctor so she didn't made her an idiot, actually she gave a first ever BJ and the guy could not believe it was her first..imagine that... rolling eyes all around..

mel ☽ oof yes i read this a looong time ago and the only reason why i did is because it reminded me of the tropes from before jamaica lane and i loved that book but Freya was just SO annoying here. i agree with everything you said Dilek! she was just an idiot and her self-deprecation was so problematic. great review! :)

Dilek VT Antonella wrote: "omg...thank you for your honest rant...not be reading this...even though I just read a book by this author also with a virgin but that one was a doctor so she didn't made her an idiot, actually she..."

Happy to help, Antonella. This was really an unbearable example of this trope in my opinion...

Dilek VT mel wrote: "oof yes i read this a looong time ago and the only reason why i did is because it reminded me of the tropes from before jamaica lane and i loved that book but Freya was just SO annoying here. i agr..."

Oh Mel, I can put up with so many things but stupidity - nope! That's one of my hard limits. I cannot stand weird, quirky idiots who put themselves in embarrassing situations. She was clever in one matter but stupid in boy-girl matters. What a contradiction.

I loved Jamaica Lane, too, Mel, it is my favorite in that series, but I really wonder if I would enjoy it as much now if I reread it??? The more we read, the more our taste changes, you know...

message 5: by swedishruler (new)

swedishruler B Another author that I don’t read. Her and Emma hart plus Meghan Quinn. I don’t find their stuff funny at all. 🥴 Rom com is so tricky for me.

Dilek VT Nova wrote: "Another author that I don’t read. Her and Emma hart plus Meghan Quinn. I don’t find their stuff funny at all. 🥴 Rom com is so tricky for me."

Oh I can't stand Meghan Quinn books, either... Emma Hart is a bit too much, too. Now, I am adding Amy Daws to my avoid list..

message 7: by Ellie (new)

Ellie Oh god, Dilek. I wanted to throttle this h by your description alone. This is supposed to be funny?? She sounds like an A Class moron to me. And what's with the popularity of body-shaming? If you don't like yourself, nobody else will either. That's the reality. If she's overweight and hates herself for that, guess what? The hero won't be into her for long, either! Christ, I hate books where the heroine says things like "Oh, I'm nobody., I'm so plain/overweight/average/whatevs and you're YOU! You're a GOD! Why would you want li'l ol' me when you can have anyone you want?" 😤😡
AAAGH! Give it a feckin rest. It doesn't make the character relatable or sympathetic. And ditto on those rom-com writers. Their stuff is cringe-o-rama 👎👎👎

message 8: by Antonella (new) - added it

Antonella Nova wrote: "Another author that I don’t read. Her and Emma hart plus Meghan Quinn. I don’t find their stuff funny at all. 🥴 Rom com is so tricky for me."

I get you. For me it is all about the mood I am in... sometimes my tolerance for certain things is different. At times I can read mindless rom-com and at times it bothers me. I am definitely a different reader today than I was not just five years ago but even last year. I do find that some authors tend to write the same old storyline with some different character's name, I really don't have the patience for it anymore. Another thing is stupid characters, that just plain pisses me off. I haven't read this book but based on Dilek's review I am led to believe that the author implies that virginity = ignorance which can't be a funny premise to anyone.

Dilek VT Ellie wrote: "Oh god, Dilek. I wanted to throttle this h by your description alone. This is supposed to be funny?? She sounds like an A Class moron to me. And what's with the popularity of body-shaming? If you d..."

Exactly, Ellie, she was indeed an "A Class moron", very-well said... And her belittling herself all the time is not cute or funny but irritating and annoying. I don't know why writers would think we would like such a woman with no wits, no self-confidence and no self-respect... Another writer going to my "avoid" shelf!

mel ☽ Dilek VT wrote: "mel wrote: "oof yes i read this a looong time ago and the only reason why i did is because it reminded me of the tropes from before jamaica lane and i loved that book but Freya was just SO annoying..."

haha YES exactly. my reading taste have changed too that's why im rereading so many old books that ive read when i first started reading romance back in 2018 and now im wondering what the heck i was thinking giving high ratings to the ones i would clearly hate today lool. but anyways, i still love before jamaica lane cuz the grovelling there was so good. i loved how liv never forgave him too fast or too easily cuz she knows what she deserves (: but ya don't really like the fact that nate was a ho though

message 11: by HMS (new) - added it

HMS A big thank you for your insightful review. The heroine sounds awful and ridiculous. Definitely not going on my TBR 😳

message 12: by Rejane (new) - added it

Rejane I wonder how this book got so many great reviews!!! 🤭🤔🙄🙄 Geez.. when in this time and era a 30 year old woman is funny, and a moron as well? This is beyond ridiculous. All you said in your review is completely unacceptable imo. I kept picturing the female mc as those characters from that movie DUMB AND DUMBER.. same clueless action, same stupid behavior. I guess this author is not for me either. I read reviews of some of her other books and it seems she has a “thing” for dumb, stupid, women. She likes portraying women exactly like that. What a shame. Thank you for your review friend

message 13: by Amsa (new) - rated it 2 stars

Amsa I agree with your review totally. I was surprised by all the high rating and reviews this book got. If you listen to the audiobook the female narrator’s screeching voice will make you head hurt and ears bleed.

message 14: by Amsa (new) - rated it 2 stars

Amsa We need more honest reviews

message 15: by Amsa (new) - rated it 2 stars

Amsa Let’s not forget he invited her to the party because another h, his friend told her to do so. Some great friend he is. Shows how important she is to him. Was he ashamed of her? Btw way h on my every nerve. You did a smart thing by dnf this book.

message 16: by Katy (new) - rated it 4 stars

Katy Dimartino I think her body shaming was pretty accurate for people who don’t feel good about their weight. I believe Amy incorporated self-body-shaming very well and in a way that shows how other people’s opinion won’t really change how you think about yourself. Her views on her body is why she never masturbated, if you read on she said how she can barely look at her naked self in the mirror let alone create pleasure herself. Completely agree on her choice of words lol sounds like a woman in the 60’s

message 17: by Funkypinkpat (new)

Funkypinkpat Omg. Thank you for saving me from this nightmare. I have almost 1000 books on my tbr and I honestly don't have time to read another not virgin who knows nothing about sex book.

Dilek VT Amsa wrote: "I agree with your review totally. I was surprised by all the high rating and reviews this book got. If you listen to the audiobook the female narrator’s screeching voice will make you head hurt and..."

Rejane wrote: "I wonder how this book got so many great reviews!!! 🤭🤔🙄🙄 Geez.. when in this time and era a 30 year old woman is funny, and a moron as well? This is beyond ridiculous. All you said in your review i..."

HMS wrote: "A big thank you for your insightful review. The heroine sounds awful and ridiculous. Definitely not going on my TBR 😳"

I am so sorry that I missed all those comments from more than a year ago. Goodreads sometimes don't send feedback and I miss comments. Thank you all for your feedback. All I remember now about this book is how dumb and frustrating it was...

Dilek VT Katy wrote: "I think her body shaming was pretty accurate for people who don’t feel good about their weight. I believe Amy incorporated self-body-shaming very well and in a way that shows how other people’s opi..."

Glad you enjoyed the book much more than I did, Katy...

Dilek VT Funkypinkpat wrote: "Omg. Thank you for saving me from this nightmare. I have almost 1000 books on my tbr and I honestly don't have time to read another not virgin who knows nothing about sex book."

Happy to help :)

Miki’s⚠️Safety Reviews⚠️ Oh gosh someone please put this h out of her virgin misery lol. A freaking 30yr old V? No way this is 2023 and I’m sorry but body shaming is not ok or fun to read. a plus size girl can get just as much ass a a super model. This day and age ther is ZERO excuse for a V 30 yr old man or woman

And I hate the Manwhore H that is her BFF and she sees him w OW for years while she twiddles her thumbs and doesn’t even know how to give herself a O…. AT 30!
Romcom has turned the FMC into pathetic unattractive doormat woman. Fuck that

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