Always Pouting's Reviews > The Handmaid's Tale

The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood
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really liked it

I felt kind of slow last night so I didn't want to keep reading my nonfiction book and I started this instead. I think though that was a slight mistake because I did feel like I missed things when reading this and went back a few times to reread sentences. I'm mentioning that to say I really liked how well written it felt and the writing style itself was really appealing to me. I like when writing is a little vague and disconnected, I really enjoy the stream of consciousness type of narration when its done well a lot.

The premise of the book was also really unique and the book did a really good job keep me engaged. (view spoiler) All in all I really enjoyed this one, this was 4.5 stars for me.
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January 24, 2020 – Started Reading
January 24, 2020 – Shelved
January 24, 2020 – Finished Reading

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message 1: by Anahita (new)

Anahita Great review!

Tinichix (nicole) Great review. Glad you enjoyed it. I really liked it also but watched the series before reading it so had a lot of visuals in my head already. I’m not sure if that makes my opinion of it better by having more information in my head or not. But I did enjoy it and thought it was very well written. 🙂

message 3: by Thomas (new)

Thomas Stroemquist This was a brilliant review and now I just might get around to read this one!

Dorie  - Cats&Books :) Glad you enjoyed this. It's not my favorite book of hers but she's such an amazing writer. The series changed quite a bit of the book but it was still great :)

Always Pouting Anahita wrote: "Great review!"


Always Pouting Tinichix wrote: "Great review. Glad you enjoyed it. I really liked it also but watched the series before reading it so had a lot of visuals in my head already. I’m not sure if that makes my opinion of it better by ..."

Thanks ♥️ I've actually also already seen the show too and so it did probably influence the mental image I had while reading. I was comparing what I was reading to what I had watched to see what had been changed. I'm also not sure necessarily if it was good or bad that I had already watched the show going into reading this. I enjoyed the book though so maybe it was irrelevant idk

Always Pouting Thomas wrote: "This was a brilliant review and now I just might get around to read this one!"

Thank you 🙏 ♥️ ha ha i look forward to reading your review when you get around to reading it, you already know I personally think it was good so I would think you should go ahead and read this sooner rather than later

Always Pouting Dorie - Cats&Books :) wrote: "Glad you enjoyed this. It's not my favorite book of hers but she's such an amazing writer. The series changed quite a bit of the book but it was still great :)"

That's interesting actually, I haven't read anything else by her. What would you say is your favorite book by her? Yeah the show is quite different but I'm not sure it really affected my reading experience. Like I did enjoy the book but I do also enjoy the show. Do you have a preference for one or the other?

Carol Great review Always Pouting! I read the graphic novel and am looking forward to reading #2 to find out about that ending.

Susanne Fabulous review Always Pouting!

message 11: by Deanna (new) - added it

Deanna Great review!

message 12: by Dash fan (new) - added it

Dash fan Fab review Hun, I treated myself to this after watching the first series on TV, I can't wait to start reading it 💕

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