Linda's Reviews > When She Was Good

When She Was Good by Michael Robotham
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bookshelves: psychological-thriller

"People think they want the truth, but the opposite is true. Honesty is mean and rough and ugly, while lying can be kinder, softer, and more humane."

And what exactly is truth? My truth, your truth, or the truth handed out by whomever for whatever.

When She Was Good sifts through the inner actions of forensic psychologist Cyrus Haven along with a young woman's horrendous flashbacks from being hidden in a secret room overlooking the remains of a vicious murder. Evie knows much and says very little.

Now admittedly, I jumped into this one without the benefit of having read Good Girl, Bad Girl. When She Was Good reads as a standalone thanks to the more than capable writing skills of Michael Robotham. I couldn't wait. Don't hold that against me. Kinda like partaking in French pastries and then going back to see how they're made. Still very satisfying.

When She Was Good has the benefit of headlining chapters between Cyrus and Evie. We get into the heads of both without giving away the store too soon. Both individuals have massive baggage that casts giant shadows into the present and into the future. We're dealing with wounded people here with one offering therapy that is often turned away. Michael Robotham crafts this one well without going too deeply into the mechanics of Evie's backstory experiences. We're fully aware as readers that a soul has been shattered.

I found the constant thread of Truth/Lies reflecting what, unfortunately, makes this world go round. On some days, like Evie, we face it full-on. On other days, we re-invent the circumstances to make it all bearable like Cyrus.

Don't pass this one up. I've already got my hands on Good Girl, Bad Girl and looking forward to backtrack the footsteps of Evie and Cyrus. Forward or reverse, a Michael Robotham book guarantees a fine read indeed.

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Reading Progress

January 14, 2020 – Shelved
January 14, 2020 – Shelved as: to-read
August 1, 2020 – Started Reading
August 10, 2020 – Shelved as: psychological-thriller
August 10, 2020 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-8 of 8 (8 new)

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Linda Thanks, Melissa. I don't regret diving into this one before wading into Good Girl, Bad Girl. I'm sure there are pros and cons here. Rearview mirror or windshield? We'll see. :D

Linda Thanks, Fareya. A really good one from the talented Michael Robotham. Hope you get a chance to pick this one up. :)

Susan I agree. This was an amazing book.

Tucker Nice review Linda! I can always count on Michael Robotham books for a good read. I think you'll like "Good Girl, Bad Girl!"

Linda Susan wrote: "I agree. This was an amazing book."

Thanks, Susan. Can't wait for more from Robotham. Good stuff. ;)

Linda Tucker wrote: "Nice review Linda! I can always count on Michael Robotham books for a good read. I think you'll like "Good Girl, Bad Girl!""

Thanks, Tucker. Looking forward to Good Girl, Bad Girl. Have really been drawn in by Robotham. Now that I've found him, I'll be riding the rails in a forward direction. :D

message 7: by Deanna (new)

Deanna Excellent review, Linda!!

Jean Whoa! You read this one first? I'll be interested to know how it goes reading Good Girl, Bad Girl after reading this.

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