Michelle's Reviews > The Last Battle (Chronicles of Narnia, #7)

The Last Battle (Chronicles of Narnia, #7) by C.S. Lewis
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really liked it

This is a series that ends perfectly, everything nicely tied up and feel good (apart from Susan but every situation has a Susan).

I enjoyed this reread so much, I had totally forgotten how this wrapped up and to see Lucy and Mr Tumnus again was the icing on the cake.

Reading childhood favourites is a risky business but I'm glad I did. While I saw some bits of christianity here and there I didnt find it as extreme as some do, the overriding message I got from this is that Humans are pretty awful in most situations and Lions should rule the world.
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Reading Progress

December 28, 2019 – Shelved as: series-tbr
December 28, 2019 – Shelved
April 20, 2020 – Started Reading
April 21, 2020 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-6 of 6 (6 new)

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Tahera I need to continue with this series very soon. Absolutely love the 3 movies!

MasterSal You make me want to go back and read the series again

message 3: by Tasha (new)

Tasha Aslan is Jesus Christ in Narnia so you've pretty much described the Bible: humans are terrible unless they do what Jesus would. Lewis was good at allegory. I'm glad you've enjoyed rereading a childhood favourite, I'm not sure I'm brave enough to reread Point Horror in case I hate them!

Michelle Tahera wrote: "I need to continue with this series very soon. Absolutely love the 3 movies!"

I need to watch the movies, i watched a mini series when i was a teen but that was forever ago!

Michelle SSShafiq wrote: "You make me want to go back and read the series again"

Its risky but for me it was worth it :)

Michelle Tasha wrote: "Aslan is Jesus Christ in Narnia so you've pretty much described the Bible: humans are terrible unless they do what Jesus would. Lewis was good at allegory. I'm glad you've enjoyed rereading a child..."

Seems like Lewis was terrible at allegory as i thought Aslan was God haha x

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