Reading_ Tamishly's Reviews > Educated

Educated by Tara Westover
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it was amazing

***Expect anything but get ready to get surprised***

🤦Oh God...what did I just read?! 💔

It's a perfect 5 🌟 read for me. Once I started reading the first few pages, I just couldn't stop reading it. Strange for me to say but when non-fiction tends to read this fictional good I am ready to read non-fiction anytime everywhere.

Yes, this book seems like a fiction because we are not aware of the fact that such situations exist in real. If it was not for this book, I would have been so blind to such important issues which happen in families struggling with poverty, illiteracy, misguided religious beliefs, family violence and undiagnosed serious mental health conditions.

Before I picked up this memoir, I used to believe that it is just about a girl who strived to get education and got successful in achieving that.

But I say it is much, much more than that.

This book is horrifying at times the way some events were really dark, violent and gruesome.
I was on the edge of my seat until I read the back cover of the book.

I understand when the author described how she experienced utter helplessness, getting pulled in opposite directions whether to let go of the family ties or to buckle under everything because it's her family.
The hardest is when it's your own family that hurts you and you are left feeling all alone in the entire world.
I could relate to this book at so many different levels. I am so glad I picked up this book!
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Reading Progress

December 5, 2019 – Shelved
December 5, 2019 – Shelved as: to-read
June 22, 2020 – Started Reading
Finished Reading
June 23, 2020 –
page 126
35.8% "This book reads like fiction I say ☺️"
June 23, 2020 –
page 217
61.65% "Now I am getting the feel of the burning desire to learn and why this memoir is a great one. Damn 💌"
June 23, 2020 –
page 304
86.36% "I just cannot stop reading this book 🖤"

Comments Showing 1-10 of 10 (10 new)

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Danielle Right?! It’s unbelievable. ❤️📚

Reading_ Tamishly I am in a daze even after an hour of reading it @Danielle 😳

message 3: by Elinor (new) - added it

Elinor Ooh super review. Sounds like this should be one of the next I get! I heard lots of good about it, but your review has made me curious!

Reading_ Tamishly It's totally different from the other memoirs. I hope you like it as much as I did @Elinor

Anjal this book was so so good. thankfully, i didn’t know that this book is extremely popular so going in i didn’t have much expectations and could read/review without any bias.

Reading_ Tamishly This book surpassed whatever expectations I had before picking it up. It's so different @anjal

message 7: by TMR (new) - rated it 2 stars

TMR Glad you liked it.

Reading_ Tamishly Thanks @TMR 💌

message 9: by Ian M. Pyatt (new)

Ian M. Pyatt Well worded review. I'm looking forward to reading this one.

Reading_ Tamishly Thanks @Ian hope you love the book as much 😊

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