Lindsay L's Reviews > Recipe for a Perfect Wife

Recipe for a Perfect Wife by Karma Brown
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bookshelves: edelweiss, traveling-sister-read

3 stars.

A domestic drama with a vintage feel.

Alice and Nate move out of their apartment and into their first home. Nate is eager to settle into their house and neighborhood and start a family while Alice is hesitant and misses the busyness and noise of city life. Nate envisions all of the projects he will start on their dated house to get it ready for what he hopes will be their growing family. One day Alice stumbles upon an old recipe book hidden in the basement with notes from a housewife in the 1950’s who once resided in the house. Alice tries some of the recipes and grows attached to the book as she uncovers some of secrets from its past owner.

Each chapter begins with an old-fashioned quote from 1950’s housewife magazines and articles. I found these an interesting addition to the story as they gave perspective on exactly how women were viewed and treated during that time. I also enjoyed the retro recipes in each chapter.

The story unfolds through two timelines — 1950’s and present day. I didn’t quite “click” with any of the characters and I had an extra hard time with the present day storyline. This novel was very stereotypical for many reasons. I felt it had the potential to be much stronger and I didn’t enjoy the route the author chose to take with the storyline.

I have read all of this authors work and loved most of her books. Sadly this one will not be added to my “loved” pile. Please check out the several raving reviews before deciding on this.

Thank you to Edelweiss for my review copy!
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May 25, 2020 – Shelved as: edelweiss
May 25, 2020 – Shelved as: traveling-sister-read

Comments Showing 1-21 of 21 (21 new)

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message 1: by Yun (new)

Yun Awesome review, Lindsay! Ah, sorry you didn't love this. Hope your next book is better! :)

Lindsay L Thanks so much Yun! 💛

Meredith (Trying to catch up!) Fantastic review, Lindsay! I felt the same exact way about this book!

message 4: by Deanna (new)

Deanna Great review, Lindsay!!

Brenda ~The Book Witch Great review, Lindsay! I am glad we read it together!

Brandice Great review Lindsay, this one has sounded entertaining to me. Sorry to hear it was just ok, and stereotypical. Hope you love your next book! :)

message 7: by Jayme (new)

Jayme Great review! I kept eyeing this one, but never did add it!

message 8: by Marialyce (new)

Marialyce Another one to pass on. Thanks for the heads up, Lindsay!

Lindsay L Thanks Meredith, Brenda, Dee, Brandice, Jayme and Marialyce ❤️💛

message 10: by JanB (new)

JanB Such a terrific premise, too bad it fell flat. Onto a better book Lindsay!

Michelle I really enjoyed this one and was pleasantly surprised by how it had more depth than I anticipated. Definitely respect your opinion though!

message 12: by Kelli (new)

Kelli Wilson Nice review Lindsay. Wish it had been a little better. That part about the retro recipes sounds cool though!

Lindsay L Thanks Jan, Michelle and Kelli!! 💖💜💛

message 14: by Julie (new)

Julie Terrific review, Lindsay!! 😊

Lindsay L Thank you Julie!

message 16: by Pam (new) - rated it 4 stars

Pam Haney I feel it was flat, as well. I felt it desperately needed an Epilogue.

Lindsay L I agree Pam. Hope your next book is terrific!!

message 18: by Kaceey (new)

Kaceey Fabulous review Lindsay! Hope you love your next read!💜

message 19: by Ruth (new)

Ruth Hi Lindsay,
Good review. That's disappointing, I nearly added
this novel to my TBR list. You've had a fair few
misses lately, thankfully there's trusty pile and
new releases to read. ☕ Take care ❤

message 20: by Mary Beth (new)

Mary Beth Fantastic review, Lindsay! 💙

Lindsay L Thank you Kaceey, Ruth and Mary Beth! ❤️💛💜

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