NZLisaM's Reviews > Inside Out

Inside Out by Demi Moore
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it was amazing
bookshelves: 2019, nonfiction

I was amazed how much I actually knew about Demi Moore as I don't consider myself someone who follows private lives of celebrities in general. Guess I would’ve had to have been living under a rock to avoid the media circus that followed this talented, famous movie actress everywhere she went, reporting on her every move.

Demi's memoir was articulate, unputdownable, engaging, honest, and emotional. Even though I haven't experienced most of what she's been through, I could completely relate and empathise with her feelings, and found myself nodding in agreement and murmuring under my breath, marvelling over the actress’s ability to express her thoughts so well. Demi both owned and took responsibility for her mistakes, but never placed the blame squarely on her shoulders, because as the saying goes, ‘It Takes Two to Tango’.

The 256 page book was written chronologically, and broken up into three parts: Survival – early years, Success – rise to fame, her marriage to Bruce Willis, and birth of their three daughters, and Surrender – her marriage to Ashton Kutcher, and subsequent breakdown when their relationship ended. Demi was extremely forthcoming and brave when it came to sharing intimate details of her life – abuse, rape, addiction, eating disorder, depression, infertility issues, and miscarriage. Tough and heartbreaking to absorb how much she went through.

What struck me the most was how traumatic her childhood was. I had no idea she’d been forced to leave home at just sixteen. Around the time a heavily pregnant Demi featured on the cover of Vanity Fair, I do recall reading that her mother was difficult and fame hungry, but didn't realise she'd had such a hard time growing up. I have so much admiration for the level of forgiveness and acceptance Demi has shown, and honestly don't know if I would be able to do the same in her situation. But, I 100% agree with her – bitterness and resentment are unhealthy emotions.

On the lighter side, I loved hearing little tidbits from the movies she worked on, and other famous celebrities she worked with. I purchased a copy of the book, but ended up listening to the entire thing via the Libby app (read by Demi) and it was an amazing experience!

Demi's story is one I recommend to all. Huge thank you to her for writing and sharing her heartfelt journey. Long may she continue to find happiness, peace, and acceptance of the things she cannot change, because she deserves it. I wish her the best.

Now I really want to watch Ghost, and About Last Night again.
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Reading Progress

October 3, 2019 – Shelved
October 3, 2019 – Shelved as: to-read
October 3, 2019 – Shelved as: 2019
January 4, 2020 – Started Reading
January 4, 2020 –
page 83
January 5, 2020 –
page 209
January 5, 2020 – Shelved as: nonfiction
January 5, 2020 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-6 of 6 (6 new)

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message 1: by [deleted user] (new)

Love her.

NZLisaM Dita wrote: "Love her."

I'm loving her even more now. She's so well spoken, and her words are heartfelt, honest, and relatable.

message 3: by [deleted user] (new)

I was so hoping you were going to say that!

Brandice Great review Lisa, I thought Demi’s story was interesting and also learned a lot. I agree - Her level of forgiveness toward her mom is admirable, especially considering all she put her through!

message 5: by Suzy (new)

Suzy I love Demi and About Last Night! I really need to read this one. Thanks for the great review Lisa! 🤗

Kim ~ It’s All About the Thrill I love this review Lisa! I think I need to read this 💕

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