Tanya (Girl Plus Books)'s Reviews > Sometimes It Lasts

Sometimes It Lasts by Abbi Glines
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bookshelves: series, romance, owned-physical-copy, new-adult, 2019-shelf-love

** spoiler alert ** 3.5 STARS

• Who would have thought I would end up being such a fan of Cage? I called him a delusional manwhore after the second book (and I stand by that observation) but he's come a long way.

• He was a victim of circumstance and he and Eva both suffered for it.

• But at the same time, him getting worked up because Eva didn't trust him made me roll my eyes. What was she supposed to think when there was PHOTOGRAPHIC EVIDENCE? Most people's first thought is not: "oh, this was probably an elaborate set-up!"

• The Jeremy and Eva engagement was ridiculous. Both him asking and her accepting. I mean, it was obvious that was never going to happen.

• I loved the way Cage showed back up at the farm and just started working. He showed her he was there to stay.

• What is it with Abbi and "J" names? In the first five books there have been Jax, Jason, Jess, Josh, Jeremy... time to pick another letter, Abbi.

• This was actually a solid entry in the series and I really loved the evolution of Cage + Eva's relationship.
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Reading Progress

September 7, 2019 – Started Reading
September 7, 2019 – Shelved
September 8, 2019 –
page 80
September 9, 2019 – Finished Reading

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message 1: by Rina (new) - added it

Rina "time to pick up another letter, abbi" when i tell you i laughed 😭😭😂

Tanya (Girl Plus Books) chai wrote: ""time to pick up another letter, abbi" when i tell you i laughed 😭😭😂"

I mean, when half the character names start with the same letter it gets a little repetitive and confusing! LOL

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