Somia's Reviews > Lady in Waiting

Lady in Waiting by Marie Tremayne
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bookshelves: historical-romance

After her sister elopes with a man deemed inappropriate by society and their parents, Clara Mayfield finds herself somewhat shunned by Polite society, in order to save their social standing her father has very little choice (I say this without pity for him – because he had choices just hard ones) but to agree to her engagement to the deplorable - a worm of a man, who is horrid and cringe worthy from the very first encounter. Unable to bear being tied to the man, Clara with the aid of a maid runaway, to hide in the last place he would look – below stairs, as a domestic servant, in the country home of William, Lord Ashworth.

Having survived a carriage accident, one which killed his parents and brother, Lord Ashworth is determined to honour the title he has inherited, and ensure an easy passage through society for his widowed sister and her little girl (Rosa – who was so cute). Scandal is something he intends to steer clear of, but when he meets the new maid Helen (aka Clara), he finds himself intrigued.

This was a sweet/light read, Rosa was adorable, Clara one rocking sister and a brave woman. However, I did want far more emotional intensity and depth, tension and heat didn’t pulsate off the pages, and the ending needed to be teased out far more, it felt a tad rushed.

Potential Triggers:(view spoiler)
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Reading Progress

August 29, 2019 – Shelved
August 29, 2019 – Shelved as: to-read
August 30, 2019 – Shelved as: historical-romance
August 31, 2019 – Started Reading
August 31, 2019 – Finished Reading

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Kat valentine ( Katsbookcornerreads) Excellent review Somia!!😉💋💖👍

Somia Kat wrote: "Excellent review Somia!!😉💋💖👍"

Ty Kat :-D

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