karen's Reviews > The Testaments

The Testaments by Margaret Atwood
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bookshelves: to-read

i'm not saying i would, but if i wanted to steal this book, i know how i'd do it...

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Reading Progress

March 27, 2019 – Shelved (Other Hardcover Edition)
August 12, 2019 – Shelved

Comments Showing 1-13 of 13 (13 new)

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message 1: by Arthur (new)

Arthur Graham Hiding in plain sight.

message 2: by Bradley (new)

Bradley Brilliant. :)

message 3: by karen (new) - added it


message 4: by Arthur (new)

Arthur Graham Yeah, I'd probably just shove it down my pants myself, if three decades of shoplifting experience have taught me anything.

message 5: by karen (new) - added it

karen your method lacks elegance.

message 6: by Arthur (new)

Arthur Graham True, though I doubt I could pull off a dress with that pattern.

message 7: by karen (new) - added it

karen you'll have to steal a different book, then.

message 8: by Stephanie (new)

Stephanie You look lovely in this dress. I can’t wear anything with a large or too colorful pattern, and this makes me sad. Then, the pattern wears me. ;-)

message 9: by Kimberly (new)

Kimberly LOL!

message 10: by AquaMoon (new)

AquaMoon Ooooohhhhh.... matchy-matchy! I can see this trend catching on.

message 11: by AquaMoon (new)

AquaMoon Shorty wrote: "You look lovely in this dress. I can’t wear anything with a large or too colorful pattern, and this makes me sad. Then, the pattern wears me. ;-)"

Do it anyway. Proudly. Because of course you can!

message 12: by karen (new) - added it

karen Shorty wrote: "You look lovely in this dress. I can’t wear anything with a large or too colorful pattern, and this makes me sad. Then, the pattern wears me. ;-)"

nothing wrong with patterns wearing you! turnabout's fair play! sometime's it's nice to let the outfit lead - and you're all nice and soft and camouflaged behind it. sartorial exoskeleton.

message 13: by AquaMoon (new)

AquaMoon I'm all for wearing bright colors (I'm dating myself here, but think Punky Brewster). Especially this time of year when everything is grey and brown and ick. Ditto for patterns that "wear me". And being that I'm pocket sized, that's not hard. But then I have no shame when it comes to fashion.

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