karen's Reviews > The Testaments
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The Testaments.
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Reading Progress
March 27, 2019
– Shelved
(Other Hardcover Edition)
August 12, 2019
– Shelved
Comments Showing 1-13 of 13 (13 new)
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message 1:
Jan 23, 2020 11:30AM
Hiding in plain sight.
Yeah, I'd probably just shove it down my pants myself, if three decades of shoplifting experience have taught me anything.
You look lovely in this dress. I can’t wear anything with a large or too colorful pattern, and this makes me sad. Then, the pattern wears me. ;-)
Shorty wrote: "You look lovely in this dress. I can’t wear anything with a large or too colorful pattern, and this makes me sad. Then, the pattern wears me. ;-)"
Do it anyway. Proudly. Because of course you can!
Do it anyway. Proudly. Because of course you can!
Shorty wrote: "You look lovely in this dress. I can’t wear anything with a large or too colorful pattern, and this makes me sad. Then, the pattern wears me. ;-)"
nothing wrong with patterns wearing you! turnabout's fair play! sometime's it's nice to let the outfit lead - and you're all nice and soft and camouflaged behind it. sartorial exoskeleton.
nothing wrong with patterns wearing you! turnabout's fair play! sometime's it's nice to let the outfit lead - and you're all nice and soft and camouflaged behind it. sartorial exoskeleton.