Joyffree's Reviews > When a Lady Kisses a Scot

When a Lady Kisses a Scot by Tara Kingston
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bookshelves: arc-tbr

What an engaging tale
Our tale begins with our heroine Rose fleeing a villain who we do not know a whole lot about.
Her family is lost to her, she is alone, unable to seek help from the one man she wants because she fears to endanger him.
After close to a decade of being invisible she resurfaces in London to seek out some answers.
Not such a smart move. It seems she has been found and not just by the enemy.
Mac has always felt the loss of his Rose deeply. He has questioned if he made the right decisions all those years ago. A night that begins like any other brings him face to face with his lost Rose. Not only is she alive but it seems she may require a bit of assistance.
As Rose and MacAllister unravel the mystery of who is after her and why they must also face the true depth of their feelings for one another.

The characters were well crafted and the story stayed at a pretty steady pace.
Lots of breadcrumbs surrounding the mystery kept me engaged and turning the pages.
Rose IMO needed to back down a bit and take a thorough evaluation of her actions and reactions. Her character felt a bit waffly going from intelligent decisions to WTheck are you thinking moments.
Mac stumbled a few times with regards to how he felt but IMO he was more levelheaded than Rose and a lot more honest with himself about his feelings
When it came to the chemistry between them I had some doubts.

For me, the romance felt secondary to the mystery in this story.
I enjoyed the hunt.
I am curious to read some of the other books in this series
The copy I read was provided by Netgalley
#WhenALadyKissesAScot #NetGalley 

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Reading Progress

August 1, 2019 – Shelved
August 4, 2019 – Started Reading
August 4, 2019 – Finished Reading

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