Beverly's Reviews > The Two Mrs. Abbotts

The Two Mrs. Abbotts by D.E. Stevenson
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A nice summing up of the Miss Buncle books, the trilogy ends on a high note with just a bit of sadness since Jerry's Sam is in North Africa. World War 2 is still going strong, but it doesn't put much of a damper on the goings on in the little town. There is a fourth book called The Four Graces, which I don't believe has anything about Miss Buncle in it, although I may have heard wrong.

Miss Marks in this one is a wonderful character and is truly what could be considered quintessentially English. Miss Marks is poor, but not needy; she works hard to take care of herself and has a stiff upper lip. She is tough, but kind and looks out for others. She knows when to take charge if needed.
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Melindam Unfortunately no Barbara in The Four Geaces, but it's still a lovely read. Little Women meets Jane Austen in WWII in the English countryside. :)

message 2: by Karina (new) - added it

Karina Love your review! Sounds like my kind of story!

Beverly Melindam wrote: "Unfortunately no Barbara in The Four Geaces, but it's still a lovely read. Little Women meets Jane Austen in WWII in the English countryside. :)"

Aw, that does sound nice Melindam, I will look for it. Thanks for introducing me to this author. She is wonderful!

Beverly leslie hamod wrote: "Brilliant and beautiful review dear Beverly 🌹"

Thanks so much Leslie!

Beverly Karina wrote: "Love your review! Sounds like my kind of story!"

Yes, they are truly sweet Karina and a little saucy, the first one is Miss Buncle's Book.

Beverly JV (semi-hiatus) wrote: "Fantastic one dear Beverly! 🥰"

Thanks JV!

Susan Melindam wrote: "Unfortunately no Barbara in The Four Geaces, but it's still a lovely read. Little Women meets Jane Austen in WWII in the English countryside. :)"

No Barbara, but Archie and Jane are in The Four Graces- their wedding starts the book off. I think Jerry is in it too, but my memory is already fading.... :-)

Beverly Susan wrote: "Melindam wrote: "Unfortunately no Barbara in The Four Geaces, but it's still a lovely read. Little Women meets Jane Austen in WWII in the English countryside. :)"

No Barbara, but Archie and Jane a..."

I will have to get it Susan. Thanks!

Mary I loved Markies part of the story in this ..
very enjoyable . Definitely the effects of war for folks at home too were beginning to be felt in such a difficult way .

Beverly MaryE wrote: "I loved Markies part of the story in this ..
very enjoyable . Definitely the effects of war for folks at home too were beginning to be felt in such a difficult way ."

Yes, the English suffered so much, not only the loss of their young men and bombings at home, but the rationing was so hard. I read that people used their toothbrushes until they had no bristles left. The English truly saved us all.

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