Maya Hughes's Reviews > Heartless King

Heartless King by Maya Hughes
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(Review from the author)
Read 2 times. Last read April 2, 2020 to November 21, 2020.

Heartless King Teaser
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Reading Progress

Finished Reading
June 2, 2019 – Shelved
June 2, 2019 – Shelved as: to-read
June 2, 2019 – Shelved as: to-read
April 2, 2020 – Started Reading
April 2, 2020 –
98.0% "Heartless King is with my editor and the release date will be announced soon! Colm's every bit as frustratingly sexy as you want him to be and so much more! I can't wait to share their story with you!"
November 21, 2020 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-42 of 42 (42 new)

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message 1: by Maya (new) - added it

Maya Hughes Claire wrote: "Is this one out yet?"

Not yet, Claire! Later this year. But I've started writing it, so I added this little teaser :-)

message 2: by Maya (new) - added it

Maya Hughes Claire wrote: "I've just started book 4 and am loving the series! Cant wait for a new one. Will this one be colms story? I'll keep my eyes open for updates."

Yes! It's Colm's story!

message 3: by Pamela (new) - added it

Pamela Hopefully early this series.

Valerie Madrid How much longer for this one?

message 5: by Maya (new) - added it

Maya Hughes Hey Valerie, Colm should be here in early early early spring! So glad you're ready for him :-)

message 6: by Alessandra (new) - added it

Alessandra Casu I can't wait anymore!!! Love all the guys, Heath Always my ♥️, but I wanna know about Colm...

message 7: by Maya (new) - added it

Maya Hughes Alessandra wrote: "I can't wait anymore!!! Love all the guys, Heath Always my ♥️, but I wanna know about Colm..."

He'll be here super soon!

message 8: by Maya (new) - added it

Maya Hughes Fun.under.the.pages wrote: "So excited for this!"

I'm so excited to share him with you! <3

message 9: by Carla (new) - added it

Carla Mclemore YES!!!!! I CAN'T WAIT!!!!

message 10: by Maya (new) - added it

Maya Hughes Carla wrote: "YES!!!!! I CAN'T WAIT!!!!"

It's soooo exciting! <3

Megan Carter Stop teasing us give us a name already lady

LianaReads blog I want him now 😭

message 13: by Nyca (new) - added it

Nyca Cuaderno Petition for maya to be crowned as Heartless Queen because she loves torturing us. Jk. I cant wait for this book. I love every single guys in the Rittenhouse series esp the grumpiest of all :)

amberebooksandmore Cannot wait!!!!

message 15: by Amy (new) - rated it 5 stars

Amy Reierson Maya I absolutely love everything you write and I'm so excited to read this no matter who the girl is. And tell Karen if the Hockey players invite us out for drinks she can come too!

Holly (Bookishbietsch) Can’t wait!!!!

message 17: by Gina (new) - added it

Gina Bonilla Ortiz Maya I love all your book! I'm really excited about this book. Colm has been a wonderful character to watch throughout all the others. I just want a peice of him....

message 18: by Silvia (new) - added it

Silvia Klee A few days is too much...

Ashley I need Colm now!

Donna Smith I know others have claimed Colm before his book has come out but there must be enough of him to share. Right?

Nẹdu 👀cannot wait

message 22: by Jennifer (new) - added it

Jennifer Crowley Colm cannot get here fast enough!

message 23: by Jennifer (new) - added it

Jennifer Crowley Colm cannot get here fast enough!

Christina Rybka I can’t wait to read this book so excited

message 25: by Juli (new) - rated it 4 stars

Juli I can't wait!!! I need to know who's his love ❤️

message 26: by Erika (new) - added it

Erika Motohashi I blame Gina for my newest obsessions and book boyfriend! Almost ready to read this book! Cannot wait! Working out a timeline in my head of who the girl is ahhhhh!

Casey I’m so excited to read this! I’m really excited for Ford to be happy in love and repair his relationship with Liv!

message 28: by Katia (new) - added it

Katia Hatter Excited to read Colm’s story! Can’t wait!

message 29: by Liz (new) - added it

Liz Burke OMG CAN'T WAIT!!

message 30: by Heather (new) - added it

Heather Schumacher Pfleger Colm can't get here fast enought! I want it now!

Dimaris rossy I need this in my life

message 32: by Kristee (new) - added it

Kristee Cat She got me at Sexy as sin hockey player!

Kristen I cannot wait for my favorite, grumpy hockey player!

Cinnamon Kelley Counting down the days!!! 🎉

message 35: by Amy (new) - added it

Amy Cannot wait to read this!!!

Taylor Waters Cannot wait for Colms story!

message 37: by Brooke (new) - added it

Brooke I cannot wait to read Fearless King and Colm!

Megan Carter Have waited for this book so long. Can't wait to read his story and see how Maya says goodbye to our beloved Kings

message 39: by Nicola (new) - added it

Nicola I can’t wait for Colm’s book to get inside his head and see what he’s thinking and why he does the things he does!

Ericka Gutierrez Ahh, I can't wait to finally read Colm's story!!

Tabitha Literally so excited to read this! Teasers aren't enough!

message 42: by Melanie (new) - added it

Melanie Helms I can't wait!!!!!

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