Mary Beth 's Reviews > The Mother-in-Law

The Mother-in-Law by Sally Hepworth
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I am just going to put my thoughts down and I am not going to get into the story but you can read the blurb for that.

This is not a thriller. It is a contemporary fiction and a slow burning mystery. I want thriller fans to know this because I really struggled with This book. I am the wrong audience for it. I am not a big fan of contemporary fiction or a slow burning mystery. I did like it close to the ending but I didn't love it. I did love the premise of the book and I was intrigued enough to find out what happened to Diana. This one seemed to drag a lot. I think of it was shorter, it would be a lot better. It just had too much random imformation that was not needed.

In the last 70% of the novel it did a complete u-turn and I really enjoyed it, but it was a little too late for that. My connection with the characters grew and I was happy that I finally grasped the connection to the characters. I was shocked when I found out what happened to Diana. I never guessed what happened to her and found this to be an unpredictable read. I also thought that it was pausible.

I think the author did great with the characterization of Diana. Close to the end I felt like I really understood her. She suffered through depression. My favorite characters were Diana and Lucy and I loved the bonding that they shared close to the end. Lucy really needed this. My most unlikable character was Lettie. Diana was wealthy and she asked for an enormous amount of money and I can understand why Diana said, no because I thought she was unstable and couldn't handle the responsibility. I thought she was a selfish spoiled brat. Diana did help out her family when they needed it. She did help out Ollie.
She just wanted her children to be able to stand on their two feet and work hard. I do think she could of done more for them though. I also thought it was very well written.
I just love that bookcover.

This was a Traveling Sister read and it really made a good discussion because we all felt differently about the characters and things that happened in the book.

I would strongly recommend this book to contemporary fiction and slow burning mystery fans. I think that audience will love this book.

I want to thank Netgalley, St. Martin's Press and the author for the copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
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April 22, 2019 – Started Reading
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April 22, 2019 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-50 of 59 (59 new)

message 1: by Mary (new)

Mary Oh Mary Beth,what a disappointment! You loved the premise but the book failed to deliver. I admire the fact that you kept reading. I know you wanted to find out what happened to Diana. I think I’d have given up.

message 2: by KAS (new)

KAS Sorry this was the thriller of a read you were hoping for, Mary Beth :( Terrific, informative review!! Sure hope your next read is a bone chilling page turner ;) 😊🌸😊

Jonetta Wonderful review, Mary Beth! Glad this turned around for you.

Holly  B (slower pace!) Nice review Mary! I thought it was more on the fiction side too.

message 5: by Jess☺️ (new)

Jess☺️ Great honest review Mary Beth!!! Glad it turned around for you in the end but having to wait for it can be brain numbing I hope you enjoy your next read and get more excitement from it 🌷🌸

*TUDOR^QUEEN* Excellent review. This book is certainly very thought provoking and ripe for discussion! :-)

Mary Beth Mary wrote: "Oh Mary Beth,what a disappointment! You loved the premise but the book failed to deliver. I admire the fact that you kept reading. I know you wanted to find out what happened to Diana. I think I’d ..."

Mary this one was a struggle for me. I did like it but didnt love it. I loved the ending so I am happy that I stuck with it. I read this in the Traveling Sister group and it was such a great discussion. If your a contemporary fiction fan you may like it. I am not a fan of contemporary fiction. Its also a mystery. Lots of others loved it. I was disappointed because on the Goodreads page of the book it is listed as a thriller and it wasnt. Its not the authors fault though. On her website it is listed as contemporary fiction.

Mary Beth KAS wrote: "Sorry this was the thriller of a read you were hoping for, Mary Beth :( Terrific, informative review!! Sure hope your next read is a bone chilling page turner ;) 😊🌸😊"

Thank You so much, KAS! I am not a big fan of contemporary fiction. I just was in the wrong audience for it. You lose some and win some. 💐😘

Mary Beth Jonetta wrote: "Wonderful review, Mary Beth! Glad this turned around for you."

Thank You so much, Jonetta! I was so surprised because I didnt think it was going too. That ending though, was so good. So unpredictable.

Mary Beth Holly wrote: "Nice review Mary! I thought it was more on the fiction side too."

Thank You, Holly! Yeah, this one sure wasnt a thriller. Too bad I am not a big fan of contemporary fiction.

Mary Beth *TUDOR^QUEEN* wrote: "Excellent review. This book is certainly very thought provoking and ripe for discussion! :-)"

Thank You, T.Q! Yes so many different thoughts and everyone has different thoughts on this one. After I finished it I couldnt stop thinking of this book. It was a great discussion.

message 12: by Paula (new)

Paula K Nice critique, Mary Beth!

Mary Beth Paula wrote: "Nice critique, Mary Beth!"

Thank You, Paula!

message 14: by JanB (new) - rated it 2 stars

JanB Mary Beth, terrific analysis. I had issues the this book too, a lot of issues. You did a great job verbalizing them and did so very fairly and very kindly :) I agree with wanting your kids to stand on their own two feet but she was so cold and unforgiving to her family but warm to everyone else. ugh

Julie Great review, Mary Beth!! 🤗🌷😊

Selena Good, honest review Mary Beth! Hope your next read is better.

Chris Mary Beth, you are a trooper, hanging in there and still awarding three stars! I think this would be s good book club read based on your commentary.

message 18: by Dem (new) - rated it 1 star

Dem Thanks Mary Beth, I had been delaying on reading this one and I think from your reading your review this one might just be a little too drawn out for me too and I am not big on contemporary fiction either, so will pass on this one.

message 19: by Maureen (new)

Maureen Seems to be mixed reviews for this one Mary Beth, great review 💕

message 20: by Miriam (new)

Miriam Smith (A Mother’s Musings) Nice review, seems some like some don't, thanks for your thoughts on it though. 😎

message 21: by Angela M (new)

Angela M Mary Beth, great review. Sometimes we’re just not the right audience but I appreciate your thoughts.

Meredith (Trying to catch up!) I struggled with this too, Mary Beth. Hope your next one is more enjoyable!

Carla Great review Mary Beth, interesting that many are looking for a thriller in this one. I have not gotten to this one yet, but it is still on the list.

Mary Beth JanB wrote: "Mary Beth, terrific analysis. I had issues the this book too, a lot of issues. You did a great job verbalizing them and did so very fairly and very kindly :) I agree with wanting your kids to stand..."

Thank You, Jan! I do agree she was very cold and unforgiving. She ignored her family. I could not understand her at all. Then close to the end we found out that she had depression and she did help Ollie out. She just loved her husband so much. And then she finally bonded with Lucy, which Lucy, needed that. So after that I didnt portray her as evil or mean but someone who needed a lot of help. I think that her depression made her the way that she was. If she got help she would be a lot nicer person.

Mary Beth Julie wrote: "Great review, Mary Beth!! 🤗🌷😊"

Thank You, Julie! 😘🌺

Mary Beth Selena wrote: "Good, honest review Mary Beth! Hope your next read is better."

Thank You, Selena! I am reading two good ones, right now.

Mary Beth Chris wrote: "Mary Beth, you are a trooper, hanging in there and still awarding three stars! I think this would be s good book club read based on your commentary."

Thank You, Chris! Even though this one was a struggle for me, I was very intrigued, that made me turn the pages but I did enjoy it when it came close to the ending. When I review a book I dont just go by plot. It was very well written and I thought that Diana was very well developed. The characterization of her was very well done.

message 28: by Jaline (new) - added it

Jaline Terrific review, Mary Beth - and I appreciate the heads up! :)

Mary Beth Dem wrote: "Thanks Mary Beth, I had been delaying on reading this one and I think from your reading your review this one might just be a little too drawn out for me too and I am not big on contemporary fiction..."

Your welcome Dem and thanks for commenting. You seem to like the same genres that I like, so this one might not be for you. Now if you like a slow burning mystery that is intriguing you might like it. You might want to look at all the 4 and 5 star reviews too. This one has a lot of mixed reviews. I am not a contemporary fiction fan at all.

Mary Beth Maureen wrote: "Seems to be mixed reviews for this one Mary Beth, great review 💕"

Thank You, Maureen! I am not a contemporary fiction fan and I think those are the ones that are enjoying it. Also slow burning mystery fans are enjoying it too. 💝

message 31: by Mary Beth (last edited Apr 23, 2019 05:44PM) (new) - rated it 3 stars

Mary Beth Miriam wrote: "Nice review, seems some like some don't, thanks for your thoughts on it though. 😎"

Thank You, Miriam! You are welcome! Yes, lots of mixed reviews on this one. 😘

Mary Beth Angela M wrote: "Mary Beth, great review. Sometimes we’re just not the right audience but I appreciate your thoughts."

Thank You, Angela! Yes, unfortunately I was in the wrong audience.

Mary Beth Meredith wrote: "I struggled with this too, Mary Beth. Hope your next one is more enjoyable!"

So sorry that you struggled with this one too.
I was disappointed because I thought I was going to be in love camp. Its good to know that I wasnt alone. Thank You, Meredith!

message 34: by Tina (new)

Tina Sorry to hear that this one wasn't quite your cup of tea but appreciate your honest opinion. It's always helpful! 🌺

Sandysbookaday (currentlyonholidayuntilmid-Jan) Great review Mary Beth. I liked this more than you, but don't think this is this author's best book. Still have my review to write. I am so far behind on writing my reviews it's not funny. ..💕📚

message 36: by Canadian Jen (new)

Canadian Jen Great review Mary Beth

Mary Beth Carla wrote: "Great review Mary Beth, interesting that many are looking for a thriller in this one. I have not gotten to this one yet, but it is still on the list."

Thank You, Carla! I hope you love it. If you like contemporary fiction and mystery, I think you will love it. Lots of others loved this one. I am in the minority on this one. On the good reads page of the blurb readers are rating it as a thriller, which wasnt one for me but on the authors website it shows that it is contemporary fiction which I am not a fan of this genre.

Mary Beth Jaline wrote: "Terrific review, Mary Beth - and I appreciate the heads up! :)"

Thank You so much, Jaline! I am in the minority on this one. I am not a big contemporary fiction fan. If you love this genre you might enjoy it. Its also a mystery.
Lots of others are loving this one.

message 39: by Mary Beth (last edited Apr 24, 2019 05:33PM) (new) - rated it 3 stars

Mary Beth Tina wrote: "Sorry to hear that this one wasn't quite your cup of tea but appreciate your honest opinion. It's always helpful! 🌺"

Thank You, Tina! I am in the minority on this one. Lots of others loved it. I thought it was a thriller but if you love the contemporary genre, I think you will love it. This fits in with the mystery genre too. I am just not a contemporary fiction fan. 💖

Mary Beth Sandy *The world could end while I was reading and I would never notice* wrote: "Great review Mary Beth. I liked this more than you, but don't think this is this author's best book. Still have my review to write. I am so far behind on writing my reviews it's not funny. ..💕📚"

Thank You, Sandy! I am in the minority on this one. I am not a fan of contemporary fiction and thought it was a thriller. So glad that you enjoyed it. I did love the ending. It was so good. 💖

Mary Beth Jen wrote: "Great review Mary Beth"

Thank You, Jen!

message 42: by Mary Beth (last edited Apr 27, 2019 07:43PM) (new) - rated it 3 stars

Mary Beth Elyse wrote: "That’s a nice way of saying things… That you’re not the right audience. I don’t think I was either. There was just so many things I didn’t like about this book."

Thank You so much,Elyse! It looks like we both felt the same way with this one. I did enjoy the ending but that is the only thing that I liked about it.

message 43: by Sandra (new)

Sandra Good honest review Mary Beth! :)

Mary Beth Sandra wrote: "Good honest review Mary Beth! :)"

Thank You so much, Sandra! 💕

Denise Mary Beth, I felt exactly the same way. We had similar reviews - it was an okay read, but it was NOT a thriller.

message 46: by Mary Beth (last edited May 07, 2019 12:26PM) (new) - rated it 3 stars

Mary Beth Denise wrote: "Mary Beth, I felt exactly the same way. We had similar reviews - it was an okay read, but it was NOT a thriller."

Denise, I really struggled with this one. I am glad that I am not alone feeling this way. Yeah, it definitely was not a thriller. I think mystery fans will love it, since that genre usually has a slow burn. I am on my way to check out your review. 💖

message 47: by Jean (new)

Jean Good for you for sticking with it. Sometimes you even wind up liking a book better than you expect to, and it sounds like that’s what happened with you, even though it wasn’t your preferred read.

Sunflowerbooklover Great review MaryBeth! Sorry this was a mediocre read for you!!

Mary Beth Jean wrote: "Good for you for sticking with it. Sometimes you even wind up liking a book better than you expect to, and it sounds like that’s what happened with you, even though it wasn’t your preferred read."

Thanks Jean! Yeah, if this one wasnt a group read, I think that I would of DNF it, so I was entertained while reading it. The ending surprised me. I enjoyed it a lot. 💜

Mary Beth Kendall wrote: "Great review MaryBeth! Sorry this was a mediocre read for you!!"

Thank You, Kendall! So many seemed to love this one. It was a struggle for me. 💜

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