Dave Schaafsma's Reviews > Case Closed, Vol. 1

Case Closed, Vol. 1 by Gosho Aoyama
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bookshelves: gn-mystery, manga-shonen

Since someone had recommended this to me as an old favorite, because I like manga and have just been rewatching some Sherlock and reading some Lawrence Block, I thought I would read this goofy manic first volume (of more than ninety!?).

Shinichi Kudo (name changed to Jimmy for English-speaking sensibilities?!) is a teen detective who helps the police solve cases. In the process of investigating some men in black, they make him drink something that turns him into a 6-year-old. He assumes a new identity as Conan Edogawa (Conan, from his favorite author Conan Doyle), and solves case after case after case, quickly and sometimes cleverly. One case he clearly wants to close is the one about who spiked his drink. Look at the rating average and you can see this has been popular. I think it began in the nineties, came to the US in the early 2000s.

I smiled as I read, feels very much a period manga, but I hereby solemnly promise I will not read the more than ninety books in the series.
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Reading Progress

April 2, 2019 – Started Reading
April 2, 2019 – Finished Reading
April 3, 2019 – Shelved
April 3, 2019 – Shelved as: gn-mystery
April 3, 2019 – Shelved as: manga-shonen

Comments Showing 1-5 of 5 (5 new)

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message 1: by Artemy (new)

Artemy Great review, David! I’ve been curious to try this series for a while now, but the sheer amount of it is intimidating to say the least.

message 2: by Stewart (new)

Stewart Tame I assume the "Edogawa" in his name comes from Edogawa Rampo, the famous Japanese author (whose name, not his given one, was itself an homage to Edgar Allan Poe. )

Dave Schaafsma Stewart wrote: "I assume the "Edogawa" in his name comes from Edogawa Rampo, the famous Japanese author (whose name, not his given one, was itself an homage to Edgar Allan Poe. )" I only saw this message NOW, but yes, I looked that up and you are right, my dear Watson. . .

viet tien I assume the "Edogawa Conan "is his name comes from the name comes Edogawa Rampo and Conan Doyle ,the famous Japanese author .

message 5: by trinh thi dang (new)

trinh thi dang S………CHI

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