Karen's Reviews > Foster

Foster by Claire Keegan
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's review

it was amazing

This story is narrated by a young girl who is fostered out to another family during the summer months in Wexford, Ireland 1981.
This girl comes from a struggling and overcrowded family and with the foster family, she sees a different sort of life, and she thrives from the affection shown to her.
I was very moved by this very short novella.
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Reading Progress

March 23, 2019 – Shelved
March 23, 2019 – Shelved as: to-read
April 12, 2019 – Started Reading
April 12, 2019 – Finished Reading
December 23, 2022 – Shelved as: to-read

Comments Showing 1-30 of 30 (30 new)

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Cheri Enjoy, Karen!

Karen Thank you! Hope I can get my hands on it😊

JanB Karen, how refreshing to read a book about a foster family that is a good one and that turns out so well. I have to believe most are truly wonderful 😊

Angela M is taking a break. Lovely, Karen. It’s been on my list.

Karen Jan and Angela, thank you..

Cheri Wonderful review, Karen! I loved this story, the writing is just so lovely.

Karen Cheri wrote: "Wonderful review, Karen! I loved this story, the writing is just so lovely."
Thanks to you and Elyse for bringing this to my attention!

Fran (Not Receiving Notifications) Great review, Karen! Hope to start it soon!

Carol Glad you enjoyed FOSTER too Karen! :-)))

Dianne Nice review, Karen! Had not heard of this one.

Meredith (Trying to catch up!) Nice review, Karen!

Karen Fran, Carol, Dianne, Meredith... thank you

Jennifer ~ TarHeelReader Terrific review, Karen! I definitely have to read this after so many glowing reviews!

Karen Jennifer ~ TarHeelReader wrote: "Terrific review, Karen! I definitely have to read this after so many glowing reviews!"
Thanks Jennifer.. enjoy!

Debbie Sounds interesting! Wonderful review!

Karen Debbie wrote: "Sounds interesting! Wonderful review!"
Thanks Debbie!

Karen Elyse wrote: "Beautiful Karen!!"
Thank you for being one of the people to bring it to my attention Elyse 💕

Christine This looks exceptional, Karen. Thanks for the review.

Karen Christine wrote: "This looks exceptional, Karen. Thanks for the review."
It’s really good!

message 20: by Canadian Jen (new)

Canadian Jen I was moved by your review :)

Karen Jen wrote: "I was moved by your review :)"

Kevin Ansbro It’s impossible not to root for the girl, Karen. Clever little story.

Karen Kevin wrote: "It’s impossible not to root for the girl, Karen. Clever little story."
I know... that was such a loving couple she was with and my heart broke for all three of them.

message 24: by Julie (new)

Julie Lovely review, Karen!! 😊🌹

Karen Julie wrote: "Lovely review, Karen!! 😊🌹"
Thank you Julie! 😊

Karen Swaroop wrote: "Karen,
Thank you for the heartfelt review!

Thank you Swaroop!

Kimber Silver It is a touching story! Terrific review, Karen! :-)

Karen Kimber wrote: "It is a touching story! Terrific review, Karen! :-)"
Thank you Kimber!

message 29: by Lisa (new) - rated it 5 stars

Lisa Karen, I can't imagine anyone not being affected by this story.

Karen Lisa wrote: "Karen, I can't imagine anyone not being affected by this story."
I agree! 💕

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