Princess under cover's Reviews > What a Dragon Should Know

What a Dragon Should Know by G.A. Aiken
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bookshelves: fantasy-paranormal, shifter

I liked this book! Read almost every word too, and very few books can make me do that. It has to be interesting/ beautiful/ compelling/ humorous writing that makes me do that. This book falls into the "humorous" category.

What I liked:
* An endearing man-whore. Not many of those to be found outside of historical romance "rakes." But Gwenvyle is adorable. I particularly like how he sucked his tail like a baby sucks his thumb in one scene.
* A heroine I can get behind. Cold, calculating, manipulative, but loyal and brave and good. Totally a match for our H.
* Hilarious family interactions, both on the h/H sides.
* The nod to Scandanavian mythologies and terminologies, with the Mountain of Woe, and things of this nature, love the names! Gwenvyle the Defiler/ Ruiner! The Weeper! hahahahahahaha!
* I love dragons - might be my favorite shifters, so this dragon shifting series has hit the spot.

What the 1 star off is for:
* A bit too long. And part of it was because of all the great world building and mythologies and wars and intrigue which is fine, but still...
* related to above, the central H/h dynamic tapered off about 50-60% in. No more relationship development between the 2 and they weren't even together most of the time. She was off saving the world and he became a background character ready to give her hot lovin' when she came home. I thought G deserved more air time. I think he's a lot smarter than people give him credit for, which is why he's a great match for Dagmar. But he didn't get to really showcase his own intellectual and manipulative prowess. This is where he got lost amongst all the side characters the author throws at me left and right. And I wish he got to shine a lot more.

Overall, MAY read another in the series. Open to recs for the best of the series to hit next!
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Reading Progress

February 18, 2019 – Started Reading
February 18, 2019 – Shelved
March 16, 2019 –
5.0% "This is FUNNY! I'll get it..."
March 16, 2019 –
5.0% "Sigh... There goes $5.99+tax"
March 17, 2019 –
20.0% "It's got some good moments... made me smile..."
March 18, 2019 –
23.0% "Gwenvael sucking on his tail! Precious!!"
March 18, 2019 –
25.0% "the family dynamics are hilarious!"
March 18, 2019 –
40.0% "Funny..."
March 19, 2019 –
71.0% "It’s been fun..."
March 20, 2019 – Shelved as: fantasy-paranormal
March 20, 2019 – Shelved as: shifter
March 20, 2019 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-14 of 14 (14 new)

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➦Paulette & Her Sexy Alphas❥ Happy Reading & I 🙏🙏 you enjoy your read "L💕ve 💙

Princess under cover If I ever get started on the darn thing! :P

Firstpella I love this story sooooooooooooo much, I'm laughing typing this. Have read it more than 10 times.

Princess under cover Oh well I'll move to it when I get past my other sample then, the Laurenston one isn't hooking me yet...

Firstpella It may just not be your vibe, and that's what makes our kindle world go round!

➦Paulette & Her Sexy Alphas❥ Princess under cover wrote: "If I ever get started on the darn thing! :P"


Starr (AKA Starrfish) Rivers nice review, as always!

message 8: by Somia (new) - added it

Somia Lovely review - I need to re-read this series it's been too long

Firstpella Chains & Flames is a novella - it focuses on Gwen's parents, the HILLARIOUS and LUST Rhiannon & Bercelak - "Low Born" is a key phrase. I had to get it by buying Kindle "Dragon Actually" which has both the 1st tale in Aiken's Series (when Annwyl & Fearghis meet - which is great too) AND Feargus/Gwen's parents Rhiannon & Bercelak. The former couple is not only peemypantsfunny, but sexhot...and since it's a short story focusing on the hate/lust/love, it's more centered. The series starts to spread out (the romance stops being the focus) around Book 5.

Princess under cover Thanks for the watch out and the rec, will def not checkout beyond book 5.

Princess under cover Got it! Bought it! Didn't even sample it! That's the sway you have over me, Firstpella! :P

Firstpella I love R/B beyond beyondNESS, PUC.

Kat valentine ( Katsbookcornerreads) Fabulous review!😉💖

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