Maria's Reviews > Call Me By Your Name

Call Me By Your Name by André Aciman
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“We rip out so much of ourselves to be cured of things faster than we should that we go bankrupt by the age of thirty and have less to offer each time we start with someone new. But to feel nothing so as not to feel anything - what a waste!”

Phew! What an intense book, what an intense ending. Hello people, I hope you remember this lass here, I haven't written a single review in almost 6 months. Which is the entire period of my internship, the one that's almost ending now. So I picked up reading again, how fucking happy that makes me you have no idea. So, back to the chase.

Call Me by Your Name is the story of a sudden and powerful romance that blossoms between an adolescent boy and a summer guest at his parents' cliff-side mansion on the Italian Riviera. Unprepared for the consequences of their attraction, at first each feigns indifference. But during the restless summer weeks that follow, unrelenting buried currents of obsession and fear, fascination and desire, intensify their passion as they test the charged ground between them. What grows from the depths of their spirits is a romance of scarcely six weeks' duration and an experience that marks them for a lifetime. For what the two discover on the Riviera and during a sultry evening in Rome is the one thing both already fear they may never truly find again: total intimacy.

My experience with this story starts with the movie. Yes, I committed the dreadful sin of watching the movie before reading the book. And yes, I'm a bookworm. FUCKING ARREST ME ALREADY, BITCH. But anyway, I watched the movie, fell in love, bought the book with a 5 euro deal from Book Depository, fell in love again. You see, this book has no plot. I hate books which contain no plot, and things just happen without a specific order or reason. But this book worked because it entailed no plot. This book conveys in us the raw and true and sinful emotions and feelings of Elio, a very special and intricate character, which at the age of 17 falls in love with a 24 year old man. What is more beautiful than this? His emotions are so real that they take form, we can smell them, eat them, feel them ourselves.

This book was so mesmerizing, the writing was so poetic and John-Greeny at times, but it suited it. This kind of writing was needed, otherwise the book wouldn't be as gripping as it was. The ending absolutely and irrevocably annihilated my feelings. This ending wasn't included in the movie, it was something entirely new to me and I don't know how it will work with an alleged sequel I'm hearing is at works, but i'm excited to know the outcome.

I truly hope, we will all find love like this in our lives. Their love moved me in many aspects, and I wish love just like this exists in this world. I want people (and myself) to feel this love to their bones, and always feel young because of it. Anyway, till the next one K BYE!
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Reading Progress

February 3, 2019 – Started Reading
February 3, 2019 – Shelved
February 3, 2019 –
page 63
25.4% "I'm fucking ENGROSSED"
February 3, 2019 –
page 137
February 4, 2019 –
page 165
66.53% "The peach scene man... ooof"
February 7, 2019 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-29 of 29 (29 new)

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message 1: by Clementine (new) - added it

Clementine Que genial, tengo un pequeño club de lectura con unas amigas y comenzaremos a leerlo el martes <3

Maria Clementine wrote: "Que genial, tengo un pequeño club de lectura con unas amigas y comenzaremos a leerlo el martes <3"

I'm sorry, i don't understand your language, but i'm sure you're saying something lovely :D

message 3: by Evan (new)

Evan She said:
"That's great, I have a small reading club with some friends and we'll start reading it on Tuesday."

Maria Evan wrote: "She said:
"That's great, I have a small reading club with some friends and we'll start reading it on Tuesday.""

Haha she said something lovely, indeed. I hope they all enjoy it, as i did.

Maria Raunak wrote: "Nice review Maria !!"

Thank you!!

Fran (Not Receiving Notifications) Great review, Maria!

Maria Fran wrote: "Great review, Maria!"

thank you so much!!! <3

➦Paulette & Her Sexy Alphas❥ 📖A great review L💕ve 💙💋

Maria ❤️ Paulette wrote: "📖A great review L💕ve 💙💋"

Thank you so so much! ❤️

➦Paulette & Her Sexy Alphas❥ Maria wrote: "❤️ Paulette wrote: "📖A great review L💕ve 💙💋"

Thank you so so much! ❤️"

Always Pleasure L💕ve ツ

Silke Great review! I love this book so much but I dare say that I loved the movie even more it has a special place in my heart

Maria Silke wrote: "Great review! I love this book so much but I dare say that I loved the movie even more it has a special place in my heart"

Thank you so much!! Everything about this story is so special and beautiful, i will be so happy if we get a sequel!

Melissa ♥ Dog/Wolf Lover ♥ Martin Excellent review hun 😊💕❌⭕️

Maria Melissa ♥ Dog/Wolf Lover ♥ wrote: "Excellent review hun 😊💕❌⭕️"

Thank you sooooo much! <33

Melissa ♥ Dog/Wolf Lover ♥ Martin You’re most welcome 😊💕

Cait (c.e.reads) Amazing review!! And damn I wondered what was different, and just now that you’ve said it, I realise it’s that this book has no “real” plot :)) and your comment about it being John-Greeny at times is SO TRUE!! Anyway, love the review, hope you can keep on reading now that the internship is (almost) over :)

Maria Caitlin wrote: "Amazing review!! And damn I wondered what was different, and just now that you’ve said it, I realise it’s that this book has no “real” plot :)) and your comment about it being John-Greeny at times ..."

Thank you so much! I so agree with what you said! Hahaha my internship is over but they hired me now so I got less time lol! But I read lots now, when I can find time and I'm happy I'm back into it again :D

Maria Nicola wrote: "I read this recently Maria! It was so intense and incredibly emotional! I’ll never forget it! Wonderful review! 😊"

I so agree! Thank you so much <3

message 19: by Michael (new)

Michael Great review, Maria.

Maria Michael wrote: "Great review, Maria."

Thank youuu!!

Jéssica Ok, now I'm reading this book. You convinced me flawlessly...
I've seen the movie and loved it. But it didn't make me want to read the book (am I a horrible person?). When I read in your review that the ending is different I was like WHAAAAT
All that said, I'm currently buying the book, thank you <3

Maria Jéssica wrote: "Ok, now I'm reading this book. You convinced me flawlessly...
I've seen the movie and loved it. But it didn't make me want to read the book (am I a horrible person?). When I read in your review tha..."

Yay! I'm glad I convinced you! Honestly, this book is a poetic experience read it! :D

message 23: by A (new) - rated it 3 stars

A I agree with you so much on the "no plot" matter! It was absolutely essential to the book. With a strong plot, the book wouldn't be able to get the raw feelings through to the reader. Great review x

Maria Alona wrote: "I agree with you so much on the "no plot" matter! It was absolutely essential to the book. With a strong plot, the book wouldn't be able to get the raw feelings through to the reader. Great review x"

Thank you so much!

Evgenia Ziouvelou The part you quoted was honestly the part reading which I did what I almost never do while reading: I sat up, grabbed a pen, and copied it on a piece of paper, right there and then. I find it one of the truest words I have read, and I completely agree with them and try to live by them. It speaks of experiencing life to the fullest and being aware of your own emotions, I think.

As for the rest of your review, I agree with most everything you said. I, too, began from the movie even though I generally resent that. But what can be done, if someone had never heard of the book before it became a movie? Personally, I watched it last summer and a couple of weeks ago I felt the urge to watch it again, but instead... guess what, got the 5 (euros) deal from Book Depository as well, haha!! And I don't regret it. The book and movie don't clash, it almost feels like the one completes the other to me. I loved the movie's general atmosphere, photography, and feeling, but I find it a bit shallow on the intents and motives, which is where the book steps in.

message 26: by Zoe (new) - rated it 4 stars

Zoe Artemis Spencer Reid Great review. I love that you enjoyed it that much

Maria Zoe wrote: "Great review. I love that you enjoyed it that much"

Thank you!!

kelcie loved your review! what you said about this book having no plot is so true! i was just about to be done with the book and just realized that i got so lost in oliver and elio's relationship that i didn't even realize the plot was basically nonexistent. i usually have a hard time reading and staying interested in "no plot" books, but the way their relationship is so intoxicating had me hooked!

message 29: by Imanuel (new) - added it

Imanuel Gilbert Same, I watch the movie first than read the book. But I think it's better, got new more content from the book that can't suited movie format.

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