Chelsea Humphrey's Reviews > City of Lost Souls

City of Lost Souls by Cassandra Clare
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Alright, you guys were right. This one was slightly better than book 4, so I'm expecting big and amazing things from book 6!
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Reading Progress

January 14, 2019 – Started Reading
January 14, 2019 – Shelved
January 16, 2019 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-27 of 27 (27 new)

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message 1: by Richard (new)

Richard Derus *chuckle*
Oh look, Chels! A shiny NEW BOOK SERIES!!

message 2: by Amanda (new) - added it

Amanda white That series is fantastic as is the dark artiface series!

Chelsea Humphrey Richard wrote: "*chuckle*
Oh look, Chels! A shiny NEW BOOK SERIES!!"

OH YOU! 🤣🤣🤣

Chelsea Humphrey Amanda wrote: "That series is fantastic as is the dark artiface series!"

I really enjoyed the first three but I’ve been struggling with the last three. I’m hoping maybe this one will be the turnaround for me lol.

Cerys you got this! I really didn’t enjoy books 4 and 5 but I LOVED book 6!

Chelsea Humphrey Cerys wrote: "you got this! I really didn’t enjoy books 4 and 5 but I LOVED book 6!"

That gives me the hope that I need!

Megan Good luck! I found it difficult to finish this series just because it is so long but it was worth it.

Arielle ✨ Chelsea's Nebular Ally and Team Orion ✨ I agree with the above comments! Didn't like 4 and 5 so much but the final book is great!

Sol ~ TheBookishKing i would sure hope so sis you got two books left 😂💀

Chelsea Humphrey Sol ~ TheBookishKing wrote: "i would sure hope so sis you got two books left 😂💀"


message 11: by Amanda (new) - added it

Amanda white Book 6 was so good I didn’t know where to go from there. However the first 2 of the dark artiface I was in love with as well.

Chelsea Humphrey Amanda wrote: "Book 6 was so good I didn’t know where to go from there. However the first 2 of the dark artiface I was in love with as well."

I’m so excited for those!

message 13: by Mai (new)

Mai H. Better than book 4 but not as good as book 6 imo

Chelsea Humphrey MA wrote: "Better than book 4 but not as good as book 6 imo"

Everyone seems to really enjoy #6 so I’m looking forward to it!

message 15: by Erin (new) - rated it 4 stars

Erin Clemence I have faith in you, Chelsea!! Finish it! You won't regret it!

Chelsea Humphrey Erin wrote: "I have faith in you, Chelsea!! Finish it! You won't regret it!"

Thank you love! 😍👏🏼

Jonetta We’re starting this series as a group read this month!

Chelsea Humphrey Jonetta wrote: "We’re starting this series as a group read this month!"

Ah that’s so exciting! I can’t wait to hear your thoughts. 💖

Iryna *Book and Sword* Book 6 was my least favorite 😬

Chelsea Humphrey Iryna *Book and Sword* wrote: "Book 6 was my least favorite 😬"

Oh yikes. Everyone keeps going on about how it's the best in TMI series! We shall see which side I fall on.

Sol ~ TheBookishKing the fact I didn’t get ANY texts or updates is just RUDE.

Chelsea Humphrey Sol ~ TheBookishKing wrote: "the fact I didn’t get ANY texts or updates is just RUDE."

You’re not wrong, but aren’t you happy that I finished this one so fast? 🤣

Sol ~ TheBookishKing i GUESS but i expect updates on City of Heavenly Fire 🤙🏽

Chelsea Humphrey Sol ~ TheBookishKing wrote: "i GUESS but i expect updates on City of Heavenly Fire 🤙🏽"

You got it!

message 25: by Brittany (new)

Brittany McCann I hated book 3 is it worth continuing on?

Chelsea Humphrey Brittany wrote: "I hated book 3 is it worth continuing on?"

Lemme read book 6 and I’ll give you a definite answer 😂

message 27: by Brittany (new)

Brittany McCann Chelsea wrote: "Lemme read book 6 and I’ll give you a definite answer 😂"

hahah sounds good

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