Misty's Reviews > Verity

Verity by Colleen Hoover
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it was ok
bookshelves: 2018

** spoiler alert ** Ok, this one has me scratching my head. I chose to read this piece of nonsense based on the myriad 5-star reviews on Amazon—I’m talking HUNDREDS. Now there are two reasons this novel may have so much positive feedback. First, it could be that there are hundreds of readers who don’t often step beyond this author’s normal genre (of which this book did not belong) and are simply ride-or-die fans. Second, it could be that I’ve gone round the twist and am missing the value. I’m betting on the former.

The writing here is, admittedly, pretty amazing. Character development and plot movement, as well as the establishment of tone, is all done masterfully. What is ludicrous, however, is the plot itself.

**SPOILER ALERT AHEAD** Verity is a well-known and well liked author with a huge fan base. She and her husband lose their young twin girls some months apart in separate tragedies, then Verity herself is in a car accident. The accident leaves her in a semi-vegetative state, unable to move or communicate. Her husband seeks to hire an author to finish the last three books his wife had promised as part of a series of nine. In steps Lowen, a talented author in her own right, though certainly not as famous as Verity. She travels to the couple’s home, where Verity is under constant care (fed, diapered, etc.), in order to look over the woman’s notes in preparation for the writing Lowen has been commissioned to complete. Whilst rummaging through Verity’s office, and falling in love with Verity’s husband, Lowen discovers a manuscript that is supposedly an autobiography written by Verity before her accident. It is beyond disturbing and paints the now comatose author as a raging psychopath who despised her twins, feeling only raging jealousy at the attention they garner from their father. So far so good, right? Here’s where it all goes to hell. VERITY IS FAKING HER INJURIES. Really? Doctors and nurses, specialists in their respective fields, can’t tell SHE IS FAKING IT?? For MONTHS? She has been cleaned, turned and fed and NO ONE KNEW? Additionally, we are to believe that she wrote the most disturbing things about herself and her children and labeled the manuscript an autobiography as a WRITING EXERCISE? What woman writes that she tried to abort her own children with a coat hanger as part of an exercise?? I could go on and on but I think you get the picture. Absurd is the only word that adequately conveys the entire premise.

I wish someone, anyone, would have said to this author, “hey, you’re damn good, but this story just doesn’t make an iota of sense.” I’m left wishing back the hours it took me to read this insanely ridiculous drivel. Two stars for the obvious talent, but nless you are a die-hard fan of this writer, I’d skip this one altogether.
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Reading Progress

December 14, 2018 – Started Reading
December 14, 2018 – Shelved
December 15, 2018 – Finished Reading
January 5, 2019 – Shelved as: 2018

Comments Showing 1-50 of 126 (126 new)

Christine Im so sorry this was so awful, I had just added this to my TBR but I don’t know if I could suspend my reality enough to enjoy. Wishing you a 5-star read.

Misty Christine wrote: "Im so sorry this was so awful, I had just added this to my TBR but I don’t know if I could suspend my reality enough to enjoy. Wishing you a 5-star read."

Thanks....my latest Jess Walter read restore my faith in literature—a much needed boost after suffering through this and a few others lately!

Christine Thank goodness, I hate when I read nothing but duds.

Laxmama EXACTY!!!

Misty Laxmama wrote: "EXACTY!!!"

I just don’t get the hype!!

Renata I’m with you!

Misty Renata wrote: "I’m with you!"

At least now I know I’m in good company! ;)

Clara Exactly! It was so no convincing from
Beginning to end. There are so many “impossible” things happening that make me feel like “does she think we are stupid?” Anyways. I love her but this one is a no!

Misty Clara wrote: "Exactly! It was so no convincing from
Beginning to end. There are so many “impossible” things happening that make me feel like “does she think we are stupid?” Anyways. I love her but this one is a no!"

Yes! I felt exactly the same way!! I just finished another book that is almost ALL five star reviews—Lies Never Sleep. It’s so clearly a one star book that I just want to make every single person who rated it before me read an ACTUAL five star! Some novels are about taste and preference, and then there are others that are just about good old common sense! ::off my soapbox:: ;)

Holly  B (slower pace!) This wasn't a book for me either Misty. Hope you're reading something amazing.

Misty Holly wrote: "This wasn't a book for me either Misty. Hope you're reading something amazing."

Thanks so much Holly! I’m doing just that!

Misty JV wrote: "I haven't read any of Hoover's novels yet. So I think I will start with her more popular ones then turn to this one if it's worth the hype. Onto the next amazing book, Misty! 🤗"

JV, I’d be anxious to get your take on this once you read it. The writing is INCREDIBLE, but the ploy? Oi!

Jenica Just finished this and felt the same way. That letter at the end was weird to me and felt like the author couldn't figure out how to explain everything to the reader without it.

Misty Jenica wrote: "Just finished this and felt the same way. That letter at the end was weird to me and felt like the author couldn't figure out how to explain everything to the reader without it."

Totally agree!

Kelly (and the Book Boar) Misty wrote: “hey, you’re damn good, but this story just doesn’t make an iota of sense.”

Strangely enough, I think this was one of the things that appealed to me most. It was almost like free association writing where anything went LOL. I run about 50/50 with Hoover's stuff, but tend to rate the not-angsty-romancey stuff waaaaaay higher and forgive many (if not all) flaws haha.

Great review and 100% that non-Hoover readers should probably not waste their time - or especially their money.

Misty Kelly (and the Book Boar) wrote: "Misty wrote: “hey, you’re damn good, but this story just doesn’t make an iota of sense.”

Strangely enough, I think this was one of the things that appealed to me most. It was almost like free asso..."

Lol. Thanks Kelly! Love the free association thinking—and you’re absolutely right! Unfortunately, I couldn’t keep up...;)

Sarah Obsesses over Books & Cookies I just can't go on with this book anymore. But am wondering with the autobiography, she didn't do those things? and what happened at the end? what was verity's plan?

Misty Sarah Obsesses over Books & Cookies wrote: "I just can't go on with this book anymore. But am wondering with the autobiography, she didn't do those things? and what happened at the end? what was verity's plan?"


She wrote the autobiography on the advice of her publisher as an exercise in creating voice—antagonistic journaling. “She said I needed to get into the mind of an evil character by writing journal entries from my own life. . . things that really happened. . . but to make my inner dialogue in the journal entry be the opposite from what I was actually thinking at the time.”

Verity was pretending to be in a coma because Jeremy had tried to kill her after reading the above referenced “manuscript” and thinking it was true. She was biding her time until she and Crew could leave.


Sarah Obsesses over Books & Cookies OMG so ridiculous. You just saved me 2 hours or reading that I wouldn't have done but had thought about. I so wanted to like this but I feel like it was so cheaply done. THANK YOU THANK YOU for taking the time to respond. HUG

message 20: by Meryl (new) - rated it 1 star

Meryl Totally agree. I think you were generous with the 2 stars. The writing wasn’t *that* good! What a ridiculous book.

Denise Kushner I didn’t like it...the ending was terrible!

Gabriela Mengarda Thank you for your review. I just finished this book and I am not sure if I am more disappointed with the story itself or with all the five stars that I can't understand 🤦

Misty Gabriela wrote: "Thank you for your review. I just finished this book and I am not sure if I am more disappointed with the story itself or with all the five stars that I can't understand 🤦"

I couldn’t agree more! She must have a loyal fan base. That’s the only explanation!

Denise wrote: "I didn’t like it...the ending was terrible!"

Sooooo agree! Just bad. Period.

Meryl wrote: "Totally agree. I think you were generous with the 2 stars. The writing wasn’t *that* good! What a ridiculous book."

Thanks so much. I think a one star may have resulted in a revolt that included fire and pitchforks. ;)

Andrea Ratcliff I also gave it two stars for many of the same reasons. I knew there would be a plot twist at the end, so I was expecting something really good. The letter at the end felt more like a hasty wrap-up than a well-conceived twist. And not believable. I've read far better suspense thrillers than this one. I couldn't take it seriously and couldn't relate to any of the characters.

message 25: by Tria (new)

Tria Heh. I usually check out a book's 3-star reviews first, knowing they're more likely to be accurate than the 5-star ones (loyal fans tend to overrate, I've found), but I had a hard time finding enough information on "Verity" via Amazon to tell me whether or not I'd want to read it. I only even went looking because it seems half the people on my Facebook book group are either reading it or raving over it. I don't go in for psychological thriller, suspense, or romance as a genre, so I wondered whether it might be worth it.

I had suspected from all the things I know about the genre & the vague reviews I'd seen that Verity wasn't as hurt as Lowen believed, and Jeremy not the pristine loving parent either. Good to see I wasn't far off the mark, there. But really, faking a coma?! You *can't physically do that*, not so medical science can't tell, at least not without decades of training for that sort of thing! That is what I would call "jumping the shark", and that one fact puts me off the book entirely, though the sex & quotes I've seen might have got me halfway there (no pun intended). Thank you for this review; it was very helpful.

message 26: by Ike (last edited May 22, 2019 07:43AM) (new) - rated it 3 stars

Ike I've just finished and I agree with the review and all other comments... I am a fan od CoHo this was 3.25, even that is more than it deserves. The book is a total apsurdness, what a fake plot, my inteligence is screeming... Many nonsences here...

Shannon Agreed.

Tammy Totally agree

Maggie Couldn’t agree more, though I didn’t find the writing that great either :/ I love looking at the few fellow bad reviews in this sort of situation because it makes me feel less like I’m missing something haha

Misty Andrea wrote: "I also gave it two stars for many of the same reasons. I knew there would be a plot twist at the end, so I was expecting something really good. The letter at the end felt more like a hasty wrap-up ..."


Misty Tria wrote: "Heh. I usually check out a book's 3-star reviews first, knowing they're more likely to be accurate than the 5-star ones (loyal fans tend to overrate, I've found), but I had a hard time finding enou..."

Omg, “jumping the shark”—throwing that into my next conversation. Lol! So true about five stars and fans!

Misty Maggie wrote: "Couldn’t agree more, though I didn’t find the writing that great either :/ I love looking at the few fellow bad reviews in this sort of situation because it makes me feel less like I’m missing some..."

Right?? I honestly thought maybe I was reading a different book!!

Shannon wrote: "Agreed."

Yay! Lol. Thx for taking the time to agree...it let’s me know I’m in good company!

Ike wrote: "I've just finished and I agree with the review and all other comments... I am a fan od CoHo this was 3.25, even that is more than it deserves. The book is a total apsurdness, what a fake plot, my i..."

I’m not sure I will ever give her another chance!

message 33: by Mary (new) - rated it 1 star

Mary Anthony I'll never get the time I spent reading this back. Worst book I've read in a long time.

Misty Mary wrote: "I'll never get the time I spent reading this back. Worst book I've read in a long time."

Right? Do you think those who gave this nonsense five stars were somehow reading a different version?? Lol!

message 35: by Mary (new) - rated it 1 star

Mary Anthony I think you nailed it with "ride or die fans". This was my first book by this author, and it is not my usual genre. I have been trying to expand my reading past historical fiction and mystery thrillers. There was so much hope this would start a new phase for me. Now I just know a lot about blow jobs. LOL!

Misty Mary wrote: "I think you nailed it with "ride or die fans". This was my first book by this author, and it is not my usual genre. I have been trying to expand my reading past historical fiction and mystery thril..."

LOLOL...so it wasn’t a total wash for you! Lololol.

message 37: by Shelley (new) - added it

Shelley Wildgrube Thank God, I was afraid I'd be the only one who felt this way after seeing all the 5 star reviews, and hearing about the plot twist 'no one saw coming.' I kept thinking it would turn out much differently but was quite disappointed in the ending. Too bad, but I was hoping for more crazy, lol!

Zu Reviews I know I'm late to the party, but finding people who thought the end was outlandish is hard to find and I just wanted to talk about it. I mean no disrespect to Colleen Hoover, she's obviously a successful author but this book just didn't land for me me for so many of the reasons you're saying. She faked the injuries for that long??? And like, why? Yes, Jermey was upset, but there wasn't a better way?!? Also, if the autobiography was just a writing exercise, she still wrote a whole convoluted novel after the death of her children ABOUT murdering one if them??? Like that is messed up more so than if the autobiography was real and she was just a Psychopath. And didn't she say she was already really good at faking a narrative voice after six books?? Why change her fake autobiography to keep this condusive plot so soon after a real tragedy??? The other thing that bothered me, is that Jeremy read it, and believed it, and it was full of interactions they had. Like their fight about how she never talked about Harper...that obviously happened or Jermey would have been suspicious that the auto biography was fake. Same with how she told Crew to hold his breath, etc. I also felt like so much about Lowen was built up, unexplained, and tangled. Her relationship with her mother, her sleep walking...they seemed to be building to something that never came to fruition.

Misty Shelley wrote: "Thank God, I was afraid I'd be the only one who felt this way after seeing all the 5 star reviews, and hearing about the plot twist 'no one saw coming.' I kept thinking it would turn out much diffe..."

Maybe we are related....lol. I still CANNOT figure out the justification for the five star reviews on this!!

Misty Zu Reviews wrote: "I know I'm late to the party, but finding people who thought the end was outlandish is hard to find and I just wanted to talk about it. I mean no disrespect to Colleen Hoover, she's obviously a suc..."

I agree with you on every single point. What bugs me more than the book itself is the PLETHORA of five star reviews! I keep thinking maybe I read a different version....lol. There are just no other explanations that make any sense!!

message 41: by Sara (new) - rated it 3 stars

Sara Thanks for your review. When I was reading the Five star reviews I thought I’d missed something. I didn’t get it. I wasn’t surprised by the ending. Have none of these people read Gone Girl? Was that ending not generally telegraphed from the start? Overall, it was immensely readable and a nice escape for the past two days I’ve been home with my sick kid. Still...not blown away like so many others.

Bridie i've never read any of her books before, thus I am not a fan - I usually like darker books and don't really read romance. Saying that, I loved this book!

Carah Gedeon So glad I’m not the only one who is utterly confused as to why this book has almost a perfect rating??

Emily Totally agreed, this book was poorly conceived and in my opinion, also poorly written. You don’t have to explain every single thing the character is thinking, we’re smart, we’ll get it. But that seems like it’s a result of a romance author writing a thriller - bad writing and gratuitous sex scenes.

message 45: by Dymphna (new) - added it

Dymphna Thank you!! Exactly my thoughts. This book frustrated me

message 46: by Karen (new) - rated it 1 star

Karen Wrobel Exactly. I thought maybe there was something wrong with me because I was so baffled by all the 4/5 star reviews. You’re much kinder than I am though, I really pretty much hated this. I didn’t like any of the characters, I thought the plot line was completely ridiculous, and I didn’t think much of the writing either. The ‘twist’ at the end felt like the author had run out of ideas and just needed to end the thing already. A waste of reading time.

message 47: by A.P. (new) - rated it 3 stars

A.P. Taber You completely right. Being a nurse myself those things were the very reason I disliked the novel.

cricket I totally agree. Didn't like the "plot twist" at all

Piyush I agree with you on this one Misty. How can a person go to such an extent as to write such horrific things about her own family.
And the author doesn't clear as to why Jeremy read the manuscript again, when he had already read it, if we go by Verity's letter. Also, how did he come to realize after reading the manuscript that Verity was faking her injuries as no such thing was mentioned in the manuscript.

Misty Piyush wrote: "I agree with you on this one Misty. How can a person go to such an extent as to write such horrific things about her own family.
And the author doesn't clear as to why Jeremy read the manuscript a..."

Agree on all points!

Zaynab wrote: "I totally agree. Didn't like the "plot twist" at all"

Wasn’t much of a twist, was it??

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