Antoinette's Reviews > Goodnight Mister Tom

Goodnight Mister Tom by Michelle Magorian
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's review

it was amazing
bookshelves: a-century-of-books-challenge, audiobooks, children-s-books, wwii, 1980-s

This was a perfect audio listen!

Willie is evacuated from London at the start of WWII. He is housed with Mister Tom Oakley, a gruff man, who at first scares Willie. But everything scares Willie. His mother is a religious fanatic and has brought him up to be fearful of everything.

I loved watching the bond that formed between Willie and Mister Tom. This book addresses issues of childhood trauma, the fear of war, and most importantly- what constitutes a family. It is a book about friendships and love. I definitely finished this book with tears streaming from my eyes. And for all you dog lovers, there is a special one in this book!

Published: 1981

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Reading Progress

December 12, 2018 – Shelved
December 12, 2018 – Shelved as: to-read
February 19, 2024 – Started Reading
February 19, 2024 – Shelved as: wwii
February 19, 2024 – Shelved as: children-s-books
February 19, 2024 – Shelved as: audiobooks
February 19, 2024 – Shelved as: a-century-of-books-challenge
February 20, 2024 – Finished Reading
May 18, 2024 – Shelved as: 1980-s

Comments Showing 1-17 of 17 (17 new)

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Antoinette It was so wonderful, Shannon!

Jennifer ~ TarHeelReader This sounds like a gem of a read I can’t miss, Antoinette! Lovely review!

Antoinette I wish I had read it for the first time when I was younger, Jess! But I still found it so impactful, even at my age. 😂

Emmkay I loved it as a child and re-read it a few years ago, having always remembers the impact it had on me - it’s very moving

Antoinette I love knowing, Emmkay, that you have read this book both as a child and adult and was moved by it both times. I did wonder how a child would have responded to the abuse depicted in the book. If you remember, please let me know.

Emmkay Antoinette wrote: "I love knowing, Emmkay, that you have read this book both as a child and adult and was moved by it both times. I did wonder how a child would have responded to the abuse depicted in the book. If yo..."

I do remember finding it intensely involving and heart-wrenching, and being in tears. I only read it once, but it stuck with me, even particular scenes. While the abuse is awful, it’s contrasted with the kindness that finds him, so I think it still worked for me as a child.

Margaret M - (having a challenging time and on GR as much as I can) Glad you enjoyed so much. Wonderful review Antionette 💖

Antoinette Thanks, Emmkay. I appreciate you getting back to me.

Antoinette Thanks so much, Margaret.

message 10: by Mark (new)

Mark  Porton Another great review and rating Antoinette - I've noticed you're reading/listening to a lot lately - is it all the frequent flying #globetrotter 😏😉😬👊🏻

Antoinette Thanks, Mark- this was a short one. I do seem to be listening and reading more- probably cause it’s cold in Calgary and I’m not going out as much. Although I mostly listen when walking or on my bike. I have become hooked on audios- but they have to be easy enough to get into and the right narrator. I DNF quite a few by 30 minutes if they are not working. The benefits of a library:)

Sharon Wirzba I loved this book when I read it about 35 years ago. Will never forget the scene when Willie finds his little sister — heartbreaking!

Antoinette I’m amazed you remembered that scene 35 years later. I loved this book as well, Sharon.

Margo Laurie great review, Antoinette! it's such a wonderful story, might try it on audiobook too 💜

message 15: by Canadian Jen (new)

Canadian Jen A wonderful review, Antoinette!

Antoinette Thanks so much, Margo! It really was perfect on audio!

Antoinette Thanks so much, Jen!

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