Piyangie's Reviews > Notes from Underground

Notes from Underground by Fyodor Dostoevsky
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bookshelves: russian-lit

I found Dostoevsky's Notes from Underground to be quite a different work from his other works. Dostoevsky's writing style adopted in this novella and the dominating existentialism has much to contribute to this difference.

The novella is of two parts. The first part consists of a bitter rambling of an unnamed narrator who is called the "underground man" (he is understood to be a retired civil servant living in St. Petersburg). This bitter rambling extends to Petersburg society and civilization, and even to laws of nature, and the underground man criticizes how these concepts dictate human action and behaviour. Dostoevsky's existentialist views are expressed in this part of the story. Existentialists believed and advocated independent choice of will of people and the freedom to exercise that will. They were of the view that without submitting to any outside force humans should be governed by their beliefs and desires.

The second part of the novella consists of the story proper. This part describes certain events that took place in the life of the underground man. This is where the readers gain a good understanding of his character. He is bitter and contemptuous and seems to be suffering from some sort of complex. His thoughts are so contradictory signifying his mental instability. At the same time, there is also a cunning and cruel nature. He seems to be taking immense pleasure at crushing who are helpless when he is unable to fight off his betters. This part of the story displays Dostoevsky's love for exploring human psychology.

The underground man is an anti-hero. He is not a character to be liked, nor pitied. This is my first Dostoevsky experience with such a character. And to be quite honest, I read all his thoughts and actions with utter disgust. This is one of the reasons I love Dostoevsky. He brings strong emotions out of the readers.

What stands out Dostoevsky is, of course, his writing. With the use of both monologue (first part) and descriptive (second part) forms, he writes this novella in a clever and engaging way. This was not a pleasant reading experience. The content was quite disturbing. But even then Dostoevsky manages to exercise humour to lighten the unpleasantness and unburden your mind.

Dostoevsky's creativity continually amazes me. The more I read him, the more I'm in awe of his ingenuity. This was not an easy read for me. My sensitive self was rebelling against the vile behaviour of the underground man. But yet something held me on. That is no doubt the skill of a great master. And no one can doubt that of Dostoevsky.
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Reading Progress

December 10, 2018 – Shelved
December 10, 2018 – Shelved as: to-read
December 10, 2018 – Shelved as: russian-lit
April 7, 2019 – Started Reading
April 7, 2019 –
page 32
April 8, 2019 –
page 67
April 10, 2019 –
page 112
April 10, 2019 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-14 of 14 (14 new)

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message 1: by Loretta (new) - added it

Loretta Thanks for a great review Piyangie. This book is on my TBRS. I've moved it up based on your review! 😊

Piyangie Loretta wrote: "Thanks for a great review Piyangie. This book is on my TBRS. I've moved it up based on your review! 😊"

You are most welcome, Loretta. And thank you. I'm happy to know my review inspired you to read it sooner than you planned. 😊 Hope you will enjoy it when you do read.

message 3: by Kenny (new) - added it

Kenny Excellent review!

Piyangie Kenny wrote: "Excellent review!"

Thank you very much, Kenny.

Anisha Inkspill I agree - brill!!! review Piyangie

Piyangie Inkspill wrote: "I agree - brill!!! review Piyangie"

Thank you very much. 😊

Celia Piyangie. WOW on your review. I just recently finished this book and have gotten more out of it just from your review. OK - I'll repeat some other sentiments. BRILL!!

Piyangie Thank you very much, Celia. I'm happy that my review had helped you to appreciate the book more.

Mark André Strong review of a difficult book.

Piyangie Mark wrote: "Strong review of a difficult book."

You got it right, Mark. It was a difficult book to review. Thank you.

message 11: by Mark (new) - rated it 5 stars

Mark André I think you have it quite right: some how he compels us to read about his monsters. He is a most amazing writer.

Piyangie Mark wrote: "I think you have it quite right: some how he compels us to read about his monsters. He is a most amazing writer."

Amazingly, he connects us with the monsters though we might not like them. 😊

message 13: by Mark (new) - rated it 5 stars

Mark André It is a compliment to his skill as a writer that we so avidly consume what on the street we would instantly turn away from. :~)

Piyangie Mark wrote: "It is a compliment to his skill as a writer that we so avidly consume what on the street we would instantly turn away from. :~)"

True indeed, Mark. 😊

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