Debi's Reviews > A Pink Christmas Kiss

A Pink Christmas Kiss by Allyson R. Abbott
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it was amazing

A Pink Christmas Kiss (Christmas Kiss Book 3) by Allyson R. Abbott

5 Stars

I loved this part of this series. I think this is my favorite so far and that's saying a lot because I loved the first two.

This was a super quick read that grabbed me from page 1 and although it is so short is was full of content, but not so full that it felt crammed in. If I had one complaint about this story it's just that it ended and I would have loved to have seen this story play out in a full length novel. I loved Billie, she was completely awesome and the fact that she had a job that is different then most made it that much more appealing to me. I loved the sense of family in this story and the small town feel. There was only a small glance into Leroy's life and what we did learn explained a lot about how these two ended up where they were at that time. Its that total lack of communication thing. I actually liked how their first couple meetings went after not seeing each other for years..those meetings are normally all sweet and beautiful but these I actually had to shake my head and laugh at how these two handled it.

Again I feel like a broken record but I sincerely love anything this author writes..She's an automatic one click for me, if her name is there I read it!

Loved this!!

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Finished Reading
December 9, 2018 – Shelved

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