Trish's Reviews > Strange Dogs

Strange Dogs by James S.A. Corey
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really liked it

This was an independent short story in the The Expanse universe (which is to say that the characters are completely unknown to us).

We're on one of the planets the rings have opened up to and are following a family - the parents being two scientists. One of their children was born slightly before they came here, the other on the planet even. They were supposed to live on said planet for 5 years but then the events from book 6 happen and they are stranded.
Naturally, the flora and fauna are quite different from what they are used to on Earth and after what the Free Navy did, they are also cut off from supplies and replacement parts so their situation is critical.

The story started a bit like Jurassic Park, then reminded me of Annihilation what with the strange and eerie eco system and the subliminal sense of danger it causes, before it became similar to Pet Sematary. And all of it in space (sort of)! *lol*

The imagery of the planet and the small colony on it as well as the living conditions caused by the war in Sol (with the soldiers subsequently being sent to the planet) was very strong. The atmosphere in this world was almost oppressive but certainly very dark. Though I did like the bit with the girl in the wild and all the animals living on this strange planet best.

I think this is my favourite of the short stories so far and I kinda hope that the discovery here will become relevant in future novels of the series.
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Reading Progress

November 16, 2018 – Started Reading
November 16, 2018 – Shelved
November 16, 2018 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-7 of 7 (7 new)

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Bradley Even better than the one that had all Amos All Day?

Trish Bradley wrote: "Even better than the one that had all Amos All Day?"

Shockingly enough, yes. *lol* I almost gave this 5 stars. You know how much I love a story about discovery and weird and spooky environments.

William I loved this, except that it was a bit castaway. Perhaps there will be more along this thread?

Thank you so much for all your great Expanse reviews, Trish!

Cathy Annihilation! Good comparison... Pet Sematary was kinda obvious... :-)

Ayla Great review loved the story Annihilation was a fascinating story I can see the comparison.

message 7: by Robert (new)

Robert This story definitely became relevant along the way 😁

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