Michelle's Reviews > Here and Now and Then

Here and Now and Then by Mike Chen
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bookshelves: netgalley-approved

Thank you to HARLEQUIN - MIRA (U.S. and Canada) and Netgalley for the opportunity to read and review this book in exchange for an honest review.

*Please note there are some slightly spoilerish thoughts below.*

Kin Stewart is a secret agent from the year 2142 who time travels to catch criminals and due to a mishap - ends up stuck in the 1990s for 18 years. Despite his training where he is supposed to lead a solitary life, discard of any technology or trace that he is from the future and refrain from creating any event that could interfere with the future - he doesn't listen. He gets married, has a child and lives a pretty normal, everyday existence. Until the future comes to rescue him and he has to renounce everything he has built over the past 18 years and go back.

I gave this 3 stars, but to be honest I probably wouldn't have finished this if it wasn't an ARC. While I was extremely interested in the description (hence why I requested this), I unfortunately started to struggle around the 50-75 page mark because there just wasn't enough action to keep me engaged. There were some early signs that had me on the edge of my seat and then the opportunity fizzled and so did my interest. You can't always have action - you need dialogue and character development. However, there wasn't an equal amount to keep it as interesting as it could be. I also don't think the author spent enough time in the 1990s for me to feel the emotional bond about those characters the way that Kin did. So when he was forced to go back into the future (or where he originally came from) I wasn't nearly as gutted as I think the author intended me to be.

The other thing I struggled with early on was how it was a little too technical. While I completely appreciate the thought process from the author in explaining everything - I didn't always grasp the science. Some other books that I thought were very "sciencey" (Dark Matter by Blake Crouch and The Martian by Andy Weir) did a better job of explaining the science in more layman's terms. Maybe it didn't help that the time I was able to devote to reading this was later at night when my mom-brain is already tired, but I have read a few other reviews that mentioned the same thing.

Back to the action comment - please don't misunderstand me and think I'm one of those people that needs constant action - but I think there needs to be more of a give and take when you're asking the reader to invest their emotions with a character going through a journey like this. My concern with Kin's life in the future ringing hallow - I think the author intended on us living through what the main character did when he returned to the future. Kin struggled with connecting emotionally with his fiance and best friend, even though the memories were there and his brain told him he loved these people, he just didn't feel it. His heart remained back in the 1990's. I was experiencing the same problem, however with both time periods. I didn't get enough of the bond with either time period so the emotion just fell flat with me. It seems that many other readers did find it easy to connect so maybe I am the outlier.

I feel bad being so tough on this book because I think it had a lot of potential. I give so much credit to anyone who could write a book and this effort was good. Plus, the ending is what made this a 3 star instead of a 2.5. It was clever and I liked that. Sadly, the whole book just wasn't what I was hoping for. Best of luck to the author and I hope he finds success with this venture and continues to write!
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Reading Progress

October 27, 2018 – Shelved
October 27, 2018 – Shelved as: to-read
November 21, 2018 – Started Reading
November 25, 2018 –
page 31
8.93% "Off to a good start."
November 30, 2018 –
page 49
November 30, 2018 –
page 79
December 2, 2018 –
page 189
December 2, 2018 – Shelved as: netgalley-approved
December 2, 2018 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-11 of 11 (11 new)

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message 1: by JanB (new)

JanB Michelle, kudos to you for finishing and I don't think you need to be apologetic for a book you didn't like. I, for one, appreciate an honest review as it helps me decide what to read next. Not every book is for every reader and there will be plenty of readers that this book will be a perfect match for :-)

Michelle JanB wrote: "Michelle, kudos to you for finishing and I don't think you need to be apologetic for a book you didn't like. I, for one, appreciate an honest review as it helps me decide what to read next. Not eve..."

Hey Jan! Thanks for your kind words. I'm a classic turtle - always apologizing even when I shouldn't. With regard to this review in particular, it's the author's debut novel and in the event he ever reads it I want him to know that I appreciate all the hard work he put into it. I get completely what you mean though and you're right!

message 3: by Susanne (new)

Susanne Nice honest review Jan! So sorry this didn’t work for you!

Michelle Susanne wrote: "Nice honest review Jan! So sorry this didn’t work for you!"

Thanks Susanne! I know I feel like I was missing something. So many other people really connected. Oh well, they can't always be 5 star reviews!

message 5: by Kaceey (new)

Kaceey Excellent review Michelle! Hope you love your next read!🤗💜

Aristotle NEVER apologize for writing a negative review. It was a well thought out and well written review. Those who should apologize are the ones who give five star reviews to books that are garbage.

Michelle Kaceey - Traveling Sister wrote: "Excellent review Michelle! Hope you love your next read!🤗💜"

Thanks so much, Kaceey!

Michelle Aristotle wrote: "NEVER apologize for writing a negative review. It was a well thought out and well written review. Those who should apologize are the ones who give five star reviews to books that are garbage."

Thanks so much, Aristotle.

Arden Belrose ♛ Phantom Paper You've spoken what I've felt! I couldn't find myself rooting for the fiancee. I was more gutted about his wife in the past and felt they matched better and had a deeper connection. The ending twist I actually guessed a bit before it happened but still found it so bittersweet I almost cried!

Well-written review!

Angela M is taking a break. Michelle, this didn’t quite work for me either . I was touched by Kin’s love for his daughter but too much emphasis on the technicalities of the time travel. Nice review.

Michelle Angela M wrote: "Michelle, this didn’t quite work for me either . I was touched by Kin’s love for his daughter but too much emphasis on the technicalities of the time travel. Nice review."

Thanks so much, Angela. This one was tough for me. I really wanted to like it - but I just felt so disconnected to the emotion the author wanted me to feel. I was skim reading all the technical stuff too.

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