Kaceey's Reviews > The Rain Watcher

The Rain Watcher by Tatiana de Rosnay
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bookshelves: arc-from-publisher, buddy-read

A gathering in Paris. A reunion of the Malegarde family. A time not only to celebrate but hopefully repair a fractured family. Paul and Lauren have two landmark events to celebrate. Pauls’70th birthday as well as their 40th wedding anniversary. Children Linden and sister Tilia arrive in Paris for the festivities, having left their own loved ones at home.
This intimate party is strictly for the immediate family. Just the four of them.

This is a book of closely-held family secrets and desperation. Families growing apart and now looking for a way to heal long-held wounds.

Even during the worst rain and flooding the city has seen in years, everyone does their level best to stay under the magic spell of Paris. And of course, to make the most of their family time together. When tragedy strikes, the family must find a way to come together or risk never repairing the scars that have afflicted this family for years.

The descriptions of Paris and the threats of flooding are told in such vivid detail. A masterful literary painting that will have you viewing the landscapes with amazing clarity. A truly atmospheric book that will leave you heavy-hearted and wanting to reach out to your own family and loved ones.

An emotional buddy read with Susanne!

Thank you to Jordan Hanley at St Martins Press for a galley copy to read and review.
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Reading Progress

October 12, 2018 – Started Reading
October 12, 2018 – Shelved
October 14, 2018 – Shelved as: arc-from-publisher
October 14, 2018 – Shelved as: buddy-read
October 14, 2018 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-50 of 63 (63 new)

Susanne Incredible review Kaceey! Absolutely stellar my friend! :)

message 2: by JanB (new)

JanB Terrific review Kaceey, I'm glad you and Susanne enjoyed this one! 😊

message 3: by Julie (new)

Julie Lovely review, Kaceey!! 😊❤😊

message 4: by KAS (new)

KAS Gorgeous, heartfelt review, Kaceey!! So glad this one made you feel ;) 💕💜💕

Kendall Awesome review Kaceey! I’m thinking this will be a 3 star for me too. Can’t quite get into it have started but only about 100 pages in.

Kaceey Susanne wrote: "Incredible review Kaceey! Absolutely stellar my friend! :)"

Thank you so much Susanne! Loved reading this one with you!🤗💕

Kaceey JanB wrote: "Terrific review Kaceey, I'm glad you and Susanne enjoyed this one! 😊"

Thank you Jan! It was a very emotional read!🤗

Kaceey Julie wrote: "Lovely review, Kaceey!! 😊❤😊"

Thank you Julie!🤗💖

message 9: by Norma (new)

Norma Fabulous review, Kaceey! I’m hoping to get to my copy soon!

message 10: by Candace (new)

Candace Great review, Kaceey! Sounds like a emotional, heavy read.

message 11: by DeAnn (new) - added it

DeAnn Kaceey, what a great review. I've read at least two of her other books. This one sounds good too!

message 12: by Paula (new)

Paula K Lovely review, Kaceey!

message 13: by Jess☺️ (new)

Jess☺️ Great review kaceey I'm glad you enjoyed it but I'm going to leave this one for awhile as I can't see anything more about rain or floods or even read about them I think I may go a little crazy 😵

message 14: by Maureen (new)

Maureen Lovely review Kaceey 😊

Holly  B (slower pace!) Glad you enjoyed Kaceey!

Angela M is taking a break. Fantastic review, Kaceey. Loved this one .

Marialyce Emotional reads are tough but so often satisfying. Glad you and Susanne enjoyed this one.

Meredith (Trying to catch up!) Fantastic review, Kaceey!

message 19: by Jayme (new)

Jayme Lovely review! I

Kaceey KAS wrote: "Gorgeous, heartfelt review, Kaceey!! So glad this one made you feel ;) 💕💜💕"

Thank you so much KAS! Was a very emotional read!🤗💕

Kaceey Kendall wrote: "Awesome review Kaceey! I’m thinking this will be a 3 star for me too. Can’t quite get into it have started but only about 100 pages in."

Thank you Kendall! I hope you end up loving it! I’ll be watching for your review!🤗

message 22: by Miriam (new)

Miriam Smith (A Mother’s Musings) Lovely review Kaceey 😊

Kaceey DUNESTAR~LEADER OF SHADOWCLAN wrote: "amazing review kaceey!!!
i just can't wait to read this one.

Thank you so much! I hope you enjoy it!😊

Kaceey ・:*:・(Brayden*)・:*:・ wrote: "ohhhh looks good"

Thanks Brayden! It was really good!

Cheri Fantastic review, Kaceey, I'm so happy that you enjoyed this one, I loved it, too.

Kaceey Norma * Traveling Sister wrote: "Fabulous review, Kaceey! I’m hoping to get to my copy soon!"

Thank you Norma! I hope you enjoy it!

Kaceey Candace wrote: "Great review, Kaceey! Sounds like a emotional, heavy read."

Thank you Candace! It was a tough read!

Kaceey DeAnn wrote: "Kaceey, what a great review. I've read at least two of her other books. This one sounds good too!"

Thank you DeAnn! This was my first book by this author. But I’ve heard some of her other books are wonderful!

Kaceey Paula wrote: "Lovely review, Kaceey!"

Thank you Paula!

Brenda ~The Book Witch Wonderful review, Kaceey!

message 31: by Suzy (new)

Suzy Terrific review Kaceey! Glad you enjoyed it! 😊

Lindsay L Wonderful review Kaceey! I enjoyed this one too. 😊💜

Kaceey Jess ☺️ wrote: "Great review kaceey I'm glad you enjoyed it but I'm going to leave this one for awhile as I can't see anything more about rain or floods or even read about them I think I may go a little crazy 😵"

Thank you Jess! Oh no! Are you in a flood zone? Near one of the hurricanes? I can’t remember where you live! Put this book back on the shelf for a while!🤗

Kaceey Maureen wrote: "Lovely review Kaceey 😊"

Thank you Maureen!🤗

Kaceey Holly wrote: "Glad you enjoyed Kaceey!"

Thank you Holly! Loved your review for this one too!🤗💖

Kaceey Angela M wrote: "Fantastic review, Kaceey. Loved this one ."

Thank you Angela! Loved your review too!

message 37: by Mary Beth (new)

Mary Beth Terrific review, Kaceey! 💕😊

Jaline I love your review, Kaceey! I already wrote about my Tatiana de Rosnay reading experience (none) on Susanne's review of this book, but suffice to say, I really want to start read her work! 😊

Kaceey Marialyce wrote: "Emotional reads are tough but so often satisfying. Glad you and Susanne enjoyed this one."

Thank you Marialyce! It as a very hard read!

Kaceey Meredith wrote: "Fantastic review, Kaceey!"

Thank you Meredith!

Kaceey Jayme wrote: "Lovely review! I"

Thank you Jayme!

Kaceey Miriam wrote: "Lovely review Kaceey 😊"

Thank you Miriam!🤗

message 43: by Jess☺️ (new)

Jess☺️ No I don't live where any hurricanes are I live in a small place called England, but I actually live in Wales and we had for 3 days a rain fall which hasn't been seen for 30 years the flooding is terrible and a little scary, but compared to the hurricane hit countries I'm sorry to be moaning about a little water😩

Kaceey Jess ☺️ wrote: "No I don't live where any hurricanes are I live in a small place called England, but I actually live in Wales and we had for 3 days a rain fall which hasn't been seen for 30 years the flooding is t..."

That’s right!🤦🏻‍♀️ I remember now... that “small place called England!”😂😂. Don’t be sorry the rain storms can be very scary and quickly turn into flooding...as seen in this book! I hope the skies will clear up for you soon my friend!🤗

Kaceey Cheri wrote: "Fantastic review, Kaceey, I'm so happy that you enjoyed this one, I loved it, too."

Thank you Cheri! I loved your review for this one too!💕

message 46: by Jess☺️ (new)

Jess☺️ 😘 thank-you

Fran (Not Receiving Notifications) Superb review, Kaceey!

Kaceey Brenda - Traveling Sister wrote: "Wonderful review, Kaceey!"

Thank you Brenda!

Kaceey Babydimps (Suzy) wrote: "Terrific review Kaceey! Glad you enjoyed it! 😊"

Thank you so much Suzy!🤗

Kaceey Lindsay - Traveling Sister wrote: "Wonderful review Kaceey! I enjoyed this one too. 😊💜"

Thank you so much Lindsay! Loved your review for this one too!🤗💕

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