Zoeytron's Reviews > Foe

Foe by Iain Reid
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bookshelves: public-library

'That's what time does.  It ushers a return to equilibrium.'

There is something about Iain Reid's writing that immediately syncs up with me.  No, I did not like "Foe" as well as his first novel, but this does nothing to taint my taste for his writing.  Altogether different subject matter, with this one it was a feeling of unease rather than dread.  I had an inkling, something seems to be "off" here, but I did not glom onto the entirety of it.      

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Reading Progress

September 22, 2018 – Started Reading
September 22, 2018 – Shelved
September 22, 2018 – Shelved as: public-library
September 23, 2018 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-17 of 17 (17 new)

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Robin Clever, Zoey! I felt much the same as you on this one.

Zoeytron Robin wrote: "Clever, Zoey! I felt much the same as you on this one."

Thanks, Robin. I just ducked out to reread your review, and see that I must have unintentionally poached your word about something being "off" about things. But so it did. Can't wait for Reid's next one!

Robin You’re no poacher, Zoey... it’s just a case of great minds thinking alike :)

Zoeytron Robin wrote: "You’re no poacher, Zoey... it’s just a case of great minds thinking alike :)"

That's us! Thanks for saying that, Robin. :-)

Jennifer ~ TarHeelReader Wonderful review, ZT! You have me intrigued, but maybe I should check out his first novel...first!

Zoeytron Jennifer ~ TarHeelReader wrote: "Wonderful review, ZT! You have me intrigued, but maybe I should check out his first novel...first!"

Oh, yes. I highly recommend his first novel. It kicked me in the side of the head. Absolutely loved it. Thank you, J!

message 7: by Jaline (new) - added it

Jaline Terrific review, Zoeytron! I have one other of Iain Reid's books and I'm looking forward to reading it as well as this one (once I have it in hand :)

Zoeytron Jaline wrote: "Terrific review, Zoeytron! I have one other of Iain Reid's books and I'm looking forward to reading it as well as this one (once I have it in hand :)"

Thank you, Jaline. I will be interested in what you have to say about them. Enjoy!

message 9: by Paula (new)

Paula K Zoey, I enjoy your reviews so much. You say a few sentences and it all ties together. And you are humorous!

Zoeytron Paula wrote: "Zoey, I enjoy your reviews so much. You say a few sentences and it all ties together. And you are humorous!

And you are starting off my day with a smile. Thanks a bunch, Paula!

ReadAlongWithSue recovering from a stroke★⋆. ࿐࿔ I absolutely love your review!

Zoeytron sue wrote: "I absolutely love your review!"

Thanks very much, sue!

Kelli Agree:).

Zoeytron Kelli wrote: "Agree:)."

Thank you, Kelli. :-)

message 15: by Carol (new) - added it

Carol Another missed review.....sound intriguing Zoey!

Zoeytron Carol wrote: "Another missed review.....sound intriguing Zoey!"

It was, Carol. A very different story. Thanks!

Zoeytron Elyse wrote: "Can’t wait to read his other ( first?) novel.
Great review— I’m loving Reid!!"

Good deal, Elyse. Since you liked "Foe" and "We Spread", I can't imagine you won't dig "I'm Thinking of Ending Things". It's even darker than those two, and easily my favorite of the bunch. Thanks!

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