Chelsea Humphrey's Reviews > Where the Crawdads Sing

Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens
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's review

it was amazing
bookshelves: audiobooks

I'm typically skeptical of books that are hyped to high heavens and end up on every book club list for months straight, not because they aren't worthy, but because I can let my expectations get the best of me and keep me from fully enjoying a wonderful book. This book exceeded my already high expectations; it emanates a quiet power, a slow drawing in and connection of reader to book, one that I found myself able to get lost in due to the lush atmosphere and the depth of emotion. I can see now why this book is getting so much attention, and am thrilled to see that for once the hype train was right on track.
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Reading Progress

September 13, 2018 – Shelved
September 17, 2018 – Started Reading
September 20, 2018 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-38 of 38 (38 new)

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Chiara I am loving it!

Nikki S. Listening to this book on Audible starting today!! So excited to see what the hype is about!!

Chelsea Humphrey Nikki wrote: "Listening to this book on Audible starting today!! So excited to see what the hype is about!!"

Chiara wrote: "I am loving it!"

Yay!! I decided to use my hardcover to supplement in between times that I can’t listen, if I get really sucked in, but I’m planning on taking my time through.

Chiara I think it’s a good one to take your time through. It’s a beautiful story. I love books set in the south.

Chelsea Humphrey Chiara wrote: "I think it’s a good one to take your time through. It’s a beautiful story. I love books set in the south."

I agree!

Wendi I fell head over heels in love with this's not just my favorite book of 2018, but now one of my top books of all time!

Wendi I also agree on taking your time with it. Once I was hooked I deliberately slowed down on reading it. The prose is beautiful and I really enjoyed losing myself in the story.

Chelsea Humphrey Wendi wrote: "I fell head over heels in love with this's not just my favorite book of 2018, but now one of my top books of all time!"

Ah I’m so excited to hear that!!!

Norma ~ The Sisters I am so excited Chelsea to read and discuss this book with you and the rest of the Traveling Friends! I haven't started it yet but should get to it tomorrow! I hope that you are loving it and you have a great reading experience with us!

Chelsea Humphrey Norma * Traveling Sister wrote: "I am so excited Chelsea to read and discuss this book with you and the rest of the Traveling Friends! I haven't started it yet but should get to it tomorrow! I hope that you are loving it and you h..."

Thank you Norma!

message 11: by Kristin (KC) (new) - added it

Kristin (KC) You are quick! I’ve barely read the dedication ;-)
Glad to see you loved and I’m excited for your rev 🤗

Monica Kim | Musings of Monica I’ve gestd nothing but great things about this book, excited to sad to my tbr list. — mo

Chelsea Humphrey Kristin (KC) - Traveling Sister wrote: "You are quick! I’ve barely read the dedication ;-)
Glad to see you loved and I’m excited for your rev 🤗"

Thanks girl! I ended up flying through it in my hardback, so I’m going to go back and finish out my audible as well, to get the full experience. It was so good I want to hear it out loud the rest of the way as well!

Chelsea Humphrey Monica wrote: "I’ve gestd nothing but great things about this book, excited to sad to my tbr list. — mo"

I hope you enjoy this one Mo; be sure to report back with your thoughts after you read it! 🤗

message 15: by Erin (new) - rated it 4 stars

Erin I really want to read this book so I suggested it to my book club for the month of September. They ended up choosing The Hundred Year Old Man that Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared instead saying they wanted to read something light. After reading all these positive reviews I am going to try again for our October read.

Chelsea Humphrey Erin wrote: "I really want to read this book so I suggested it to my book club for the month of September. They ended up choosing The Hundred Year Old Man that Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared instead say..."

I hope you get a chance to read this one Erin!

Chelsea Humphrey leslie hamod wrote: "Wasn't it amazing? I also have five stars! Great review Chelsea!😉😘"

It really was. ♥️🤗

Wendi Yay! So happy to see you loved it as well! 😁

Chelsea Humphrey Wendi wrote: "Yay! So happy to see you loved it as well! 😁"

It makes me eager to see what she’ll write next!

message 20: by Melissa (new)

Melissa Skeptic over here, too. 🙋🏻‍♀️😂 Glad to hear all the hype is well-deserved.

Chelsea Humphrey Melissa wrote: "Skeptic over here, too. 🙋🏻‍♀️😂 Glad to hear all the hype is well-deserved."

Thank you Mel! I know I can always come to you for an honest review of those types of books as well. 🤣

message 22: by Mike (new) - added it

Mike " emanates a quiet power, a slow drawing in and connection of reader to book, one that I found myself able to get lost in due to the lush atmosphere and the depth of emotion."

That was well said, Chelsea. Ecstatic to see your 5 stars for this one!!

Chelsea Humphrey Mike wrote: "" emanates a quiet power, a slow drawing in and connection of reader to book, one that I found myself able to get lost in due to the lush atmosphere and the depth of emotion."

That was well s..."

Thank you Mike!!

Linda Scherkus Agree 100% with the 5 star ratings. I did not hesitate for a moment to give it 5 stars. Beautifully written, loved the
Poetry, the suspense, the characters, descriptions of the marsh, the far my favorite Book of 2018- and I’ve read a LOT!!

Chelsea Humphrey Linda wrote: "Agree 100% with the 5 star ratings. I did not hesitate for a moment to give it 5 stars. Beautifully written, loved the
Poetry, the suspense, the characters, descriptions of the marsh, the wildlife...."


message 26: by Deanna (new)

Deanna I'm glad you liked it, Chelsea. Great review!

Chelsea Humphrey Thank you De! 🤗

message 28: by Albieglad (new) - added it

Albieglad I loved this one too Chelsea. It was so different from my usual preferences. I'm so glad I gave it a try!

message 29: by Chris (new)

Chris Just finished. Loved it!

message 30: by Beth (new) - rated it 5 stars

Beth Eisenberg I loved every minute of this book.

Chelsea Humphrey Beth wrote: "I loved every minute of this book."

Chris wrote: "Just finished. Loved it!"

So thrilled you both enjoyed this as well! <3

Alicia I have felt the depth of emotion too. Well, the importance of human connections is obvious in this book as it is for every reader, isn’t it?

Chelsea Humphrey Alicia wrote: "I have felt the depth of emotion too. Well, the importance of human connections is obvious in this book as it is for every reader, isn’t it?"

So true, Alicia!

Happy Latitudes This. is. so. true. If I read one more bird metaphor I'm going to lose it....

Ellen I just started listening to this on CD. I usually don't agree with the hype over books. Hope I continue to enjoy this one. Good review. Thanks

message 36: by Kat (new) - rated it 5 stars

Kat We are on the third disc and I already know I want to savor reading the words with my eyes! Wonderful so far!

message 37: by Bj (new)

Bj Fuller I loved it!!! BJ Fuller

message 38: by Lila (new) - rated it 5 stars

Lila Phurrough This book was so beautiful. I’m glad it blew up.

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